I am trying to graph PMTs with the “COLZ” option, but the marker sizes are extremely small and cannot get it to change.
auto pmtposition = new TH2D("Centroid Calculation","Centroid and True Vertex",200,0,500,200,-200,200);
auto canvas1 = new TCanvas("PMT POSITIONS","PMT POSITIONS",900,900);
std::map<int,std::tuple<double, double, double, int, int>>::iterator it;
for(int i = 0 ; i < ch_ID[event].size();i++){
auto it = PMT_dict.find(ch_ID[event][i]);
if (it != PMT_dict.end()){
if((std::get<4>(it->second)==tpc)&&(ch_promptPE[event][i] >= 0)){
auto value = it->second;