GNU make missing on MacOsX

Dear everyone,

I have a problem when installing ROOT on Mac OS X 10.8.3. I did as the guide: download the new version of ROOT root_v5.32.04, then extract and run ./configure, I received a report “configure: GNU Make >= 3.80 MUST be installed”. However, I’m sure that I installed Xcode with the latest version (4.6.3).

I do not know how I have to do next. Could you help me for this ?!?

Best regards

You need to install Xcode from App Store. (this you did I guess)

But also:

Then start Xcode, go to (in the Xcode top menu bar):


and install component named “Command Line Tools”. After that all the relevant tools will be placed in /usr/bin folder and you will be able to use it .

To be more precise:

Thank Couet, I found it and I tried as your guide. It has done. Thank you very very very much :smiley: