I have this issue.
The entries number given in a TH1F is double the number by using T->GetEntries(“CUT”) with same cuts applied. And the variable I plot in the TH1F is a number not array. I feel the number given by GetEntries should be the correct one. Can someone explain why the entries in histogram is bigger? Thanks!
What is the “CUT” exactly?
How do you fill your histogram exactly?
(Basically, I think, from both approaches, you should get exactly the same number of entries.)
Well, even if “L.s2.nthit” is just an ordinary value, but your “CUT” contains arrays then, I think, your histogram will be filled with this ordinary value as many times as there are elements in the arrays (which satisfy the selection).
Yeah. You’re right. After replacing the array with a number in “CUT”, those two entries are equal.
BTW, is there a simple way to make it fill the histogram only one time when an array is in the cut?