Gaussian constraint with HistFactory


I have troubles adding a gaussian constraint in my model built using HistFactory.
Let’s suppose I have a parameter “efficiency” which has a central value “eff_value” know from simulation with a given error “eff_error”. To add this parameter to the fit with an associated gaussian constraint I’m confused between four possibilities:

mysample.AddNormFactor("efficiency", eff_value, eff_value - 3*eff_error, eff_value + 3*eff_error)
mysample.AddOverallSys("eff_constraint", 1-eff_error/eff_value, 1+eff_error/eff_value)
mysample.AddNormFactor("efficiency", eff_value, eff_value - 3*eff_error, eff_value + 3*eff_error)
mysample.AddOverallSys("eff_constraint", 1-eff_error/eff_value, 1+eff_error/eff_value)
mysample.AddNormFactor("efficiency", eff_value, eff_value - 3*eff_error, eff_value + 3*eff_error)
mysample.AddOverallSys("efficiency", 1-eff_error/eff_value, 1+eff_error/eff_value)
mysample.AddNormFactor("efficiency", eff_value, eff_value - 3*eff_error, eff_value + 3*eff_error)
mysample.AddOverallSys("efficiency", 1-eff_error/eff_value, 1+eff_error/eff_value)

Is one of these options correct or should I do something different?


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I think 1,3 are fine and will give same results. It changes only the name of parameters in the workspace.
As described in the HistFactory documentation (page 7-8), AddNormFactor will introduce an overall normalisation parameter, that by default is not constant. If you want to add a constraint term you need to use AddOverallSys. AddOverallSys("efficiency",...) will introduce a parameter with a Gaussian constraint called alpha_efficiency. So 1 and 3 are equivalent, only that in 1 you have the parameter called alpha_eff_constraint.

2 and 4 instead will have the parameter efficiency floating and not constraint explicitly. This is OK if you want to fit that parameter on the data

Hope it is clear now


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If I choose for example option 3 then I get the following error:

[#2] ERROR:HistFactory -- could not corresponding auxiliary measurement  nom_efficiency

Has this something to do with the constraint?


I don’t understand this error, can you maybe add a printout of your workspace and also code to generate it (or xml file) ?
The workspace should not have a nom_efficiency variable, but an alpha_nom_efficiency.
It could be also that the error is not important


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