This is my first post here, so I hope I am posting this were it belongs.
I have this macro where I generate 500 toy experiments of 7700 events each and I fit the parameters:
RooMCStudy mgr(gauss,gauss,x,"",“mhv”) ;
mgr.generateAndFit(500,7700) ;
Afterwards, I plot the distribution of the 500 fits I have performed:
RooPlot* mframe = mean.frame(Title(“Distribution of the fitted mean”),Bins(50)) ;
mgr.plotParamOn(mframe) ;
This is what I get from the lines above:
My question is, how can I make a gaussian fit to the distribution of the fitted mean?
Thank you for your help!
If I am doing something wrong about forum rules please tell me.
Best regards, Mikel.