I have been trying to reinstall root from scratch.
I have followed up with discussions in this forum, such as :
for the uninstallation process.
and deleted the directory mentioned in $ROOTSYS
removed the source path for ‘thisroot.sh’ from .bashrc
But still
while building fresh, I get an error, using cmake --build . --target install
pointing to the directory I had build root last
So is there some history file for root that I need to delete?
ROOT Version: 6.16.00 Platform: Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS Compiler: Not Provided
Seems like I have found a solution to the problem :
There is a file in the home dir (Ubuntu 18.04)
by the name : ‘.root_hist’
It should be deleted for complete uninstallation
followed by deletion of the built dir of root ,
removal of the line :
source <path/to/installation/thisroot.sh>
else there will be problems while reinstalling ROOT .