Flush error - Input/Output error

Dear all,
I am running my analysis code, but right at the end I see the following error -
SysError in TFile::Flush: error flushing file /eos/user/s/ssaha/fullsys_ttbarReg/efakes_systSet2.root (Input/output error)

I have enough space in my eos, I am not sure I completely understand the source of the error, any leads is much appreciated !
Thank you


Does the directory exits ? are you sure you have enough space in that particular folder ? there is several answers on the forum for instance this one.

Hi @couet,
Yes it seems to have produced the file, yes the directory exists and cross-checked that there is enough space in the directory. I will check the contents of the file. Thanks for linking the other question as well.

You can try try to search more of these on the ROOT forum. If the problem persists I think @pcanal may help you.

How frequent is this error? Does it happen also for something like

auto f = TFile::Open("/eos/user/s/ssaha/fullsys_ttbarReg/tester.root", "RECREATE");

Hi @pcanal,
Apologies for the late reply ! When I run the above commands with my root file, I get (int) 0 as output, this should say that the file is okay, if I understand correctly ?


And do you still see/have the original problem?

Hi @pcanal,
I saw the error only when I ran my analysis code, and made the respective root file. I have not seen this error since, while opening the the same root file and while running root macros on it.
I am hoping it is working fine then !


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