Fitting with Bernstein polynomials

Dear experts,

I am trying to fit range with Bernstein polynomials:

 // background model
  RooRealVar a0("a0","coefficient a0",0.0,1.0);
  RooRealVar a1("a1","coefficient a1",0.0,1.0);
  RooRealVar a2("a2","coefficient a2",0.0,1.0);
  RooRealVar a3("a3","coefficient a3",0.0,1.0);
  RooRealVar a4("a4","coefficient a4",0.0,1.0);
  RooBernstein bkg("bkg","background",dimuonmass2sideband,RooArgList(a0,a1,a2,a3,a4));
  RooRealVar norm("norm","bkg normalization",1700.,0.0,3000.0);
  RooAddPdf model("model","model",RooArgList(bkg),RooArgList(norm));


  RooFitResult* r = model.fitTo(data,Range("R1,R2"),Save());

and I got a stupid result. All coefficients are set to 0.5 and curve does not describe my data at all

Number of data events = 1601
-log(L) at minimum = -3880.96
chi2 = 9.41812

  1. RooRealVar:: a0 = 0.499798 +/- 0.000166767
  2. RooRealVar:: a1 = 0.500182 +/- 9.49789e-09
  3. RooRealVar:: a2 = 0.499923 +/- 3.1032e-06
  4. RooRealVar:: a3 = 0.500068 +/- 7.51931e-07
  5. RooRealVar:: a4 = 0.499655 +/- 9.76319e-06
  6. RooRealVar:: norm = 1638.55 +/- 0.313795
    norm = 1638.55 +/- 0.313795

Can you help, please.

Thanks, Sasha.

Hi Sasha,

I am sorry the fit does not seem to converge.
Before we involve the experts, can you verify the messages from the minimizer? Typically something about a fit gone wrong can be found there…


Hi Danilo,

I got a lot of following messages:

[#0] WARNING:Minization – RooMinimizerFcn: Minimized function has error status.
Returning maximum FCN so far (16650) to force MIGRAD to back out of this region. Error log follows
Parameter values: a0=0.499798, a1=0.50019, a2=0.499923, a3=0.500068, a4=0.499655, norm=1638.55
RooBernstein::bkg[ x=dimuonmass2sideband coefList=(a0,a1,a2,a3,a4) ]
p.d.f value is less than zero (-0.000006), forcing value to zero @ x=dimuonmass2sideband=70, coefList=(a0 = 0.499798 +/- 3.07965e-07,a1 = 0.50019 +/- 8.79901e-09,a2 = 0.499923 +/- 2.74613e-08,a3 = 0.500068 +/- 2.95359e-08,a4 = 0.499655 +/- 8.64173e-08)

Cheers, Sasha.

Hi again Danilo,

if you or they can try it I have my .C macro at


and root file with data used by this macro is at the same dir.

you do in interactive root


Thanks, Sasha.

Hi Sasha,

There is something going wrong with your fit. The fact that the pdf has a negative value is a sign. This does not seem to be a ROOT issue.
Are you sure this is the model you need to fit in that particular range? Is it maybe possible to facilitate convergence by more sensible parameters values?
I hope you manage to solve your issue soon!


Hi Danilo,

I wrote in ROOT forum that there was a problem to fit
with Bernstein the subrange of data…

Also, I just setup parameters to be varied in a range of 0-1.
I have no idea in advance what they should be. It gives
for all of them 0.5 and I see just straight line as a fit result
which have nothing to do with my data. I think it is something
wrong in implementation…

Cheers, Sasha.

Hi @anikiten!

With ROOT 6.30/02, I don’t get any problems running your script:

  | Welcome to ROOT 6.30/02               |
  | (c) 1995-2023, The ROOT Team; conception: R. Brun, F. Rademakers |
  | Built for linuxx8664gcc on Jan 25 2024, 20:04:04                 |
  | From heads/master@tags/v6-30-02                                  |
  | With c++ (GCC) 13.2.1 20230801                                   |
  | Try '.help'/'.?', '.demo', '.license', '.credits', '.quit'/'.q'  |

root [0] .L 13TeV_2017UL_RooFitTest_SR3_BERNSTEIN_FTEST.C
root [1] Draw()
[#1] INFO:DataHandling -- RooTreeDataStore::loadValues(data) Skipping event #3 because dimuonmass2sideband cannot accommodate the value 91.5787
[#1] INFO:DataHandling -- RooTreeDataStore::loadValues(data) Skipping event #8 because dimuonmass2sideband cannot accommodate the value 90.2896
[#1] INFO:DataHandling -- RooTreeDataStore::loadValues(data) Skipping event #12 because dimuonmass2sideband cannot accommodate the value 87.1738
[#1] INFO:DataHandling -- RooTreeDataStore::loadValues(data) Skipping event #14 because dimuonmass2sideband cannot accommodate the value 92.4627
[#1] INFO:DataHandling -- RooTreeDataStore::loadValues(data) Skipping ...
[#0] WARNING:DataHandling -- RooTreeDataStore::loadValues(data) Ignored 665 out-of-range events
[#1] INFO:Eval -- RooRealVar::setRange(dimuonmass2sideband) new range named 'R1' created with bounds [12,25]
[#1] INFO:Eval -- RooRealVar::setRange(dimuonmass2sideband) new range named 'R2' created with bounds [30,70]
[#1] INFO:Eval -- RooRealVar::setRange(dimuonmass2sideband) new range named 'Rtotal' created with bounds [12,70]
[#1] INFO:Eval -- RooRealVar::setRange(dimuonmass2sideband) new range named 'signalrange' created with bounds [25,30]
[#1] INFO:Minimization -- p.d.f. provides expected number of events, including extended term in likelihood.
[#1] INFO:Eval -- RooRealVar::setRange(dimuonmass2sideband) new range named 'fit_nll_model_data_R1' created with bounds [12,25]
[#1] INFO:Eval -- RooRealVar::setRange(dimuonmass2sideband) new range named 'fit_nll_model_data_R2' created with bounds [30,70]
[#1] INFO:Fitting -- RooAbsOptTestStatistic::ctor(nll_model_data) constructing test statistic for sub-range named R1,R2
[#1] INFO:Minimization -- RooAbsMinimizerFcn::setOptimizeConst: activating const optimization
[#1] INFO:Minimization --  The following expressions will be evaluated in cache-and-track mode: (bkg)
Minuit2Minimizer: Minimize with max-calls 3000 convergence for edm < 1 strategy 1
Info in <Minuit2>: MnSeedGenerator Computing seed using NumericalGradient calculator
Info in <Minuit2>: MnSeedGenerator Initial state: FCN =      -3854.634496 Edm =       4162.035796 NCalls =     25
Info in <Minuit2>: MnSeedGenerator Initial state
  Minimum value : -3854.634496
  Edm           : 4162.035796
  Internal parameters:	[                0                0                0                0                0     0.1337315894]	
  Internal gradient  :	[     -112.0551418     -95.80473469     -30.34783612      68.56709204      169.6180087     -41.58342261]	
  Internal covariance matrix:
[[    0.010923121              0              0              0              0              0]
 [              0    0.028469817              0              0              0              0]
 [              0              0    0.047980141              0              0              0]
 [              0              0              0     0.22256729              0              0]
 [              0              0              0              0     0.52680383              0]
 [              0              0              0              0              0   0.0016261633]]]
Info in <Minuit2>: VariableMetricBuilder Start iterating until Edm is < 0.001 with call limit = 3000
Info in <Minuit2>: VariableMetricBuilder    0 - FCN =      -3854.634496 Edm =       4162.035796 NCalls =     25
Info in <Minuit2>: VariableMetricBuilder    1 - FCN =       -4011.84414 Edm =       167.1999919 NCalls =     56
Info in <Minuit2>: VariableMetricBuilder    2 - FCN =      -4014.242847 Edm =        14.1727963 NCalls =     78
Info in <Minuit2>: VariableMetricBuilder    3 - FCN =      -4019.787684 Edm =      0.5519667999 NCalls =     99
Info in <Minuit2>: VariableMetricBuilder    4 - FCN =      -4020.241236 Edm =       0.267753583 NCalls =    113
Info in <Minuit2>: VariableMetricBuilder    5 - FCN =       -4020.77624 Edm =      0.1586104724 NCalls =    129
Info in <Minuit2>: VariableMetricBuilder    6 - FCN =       -4021.02251 Edm =     0.02813089728 NCalls =    145
Info in <Minuit2>: VariableMetricBuilder    7 - FCN =      -4021.090976 Edm =     0.02030282874 NCalls =    162
Info in <Minuit2>: VariableMetricBuilder    8 - FCN =       -4021.15916 Edm =     0.06146040058 NCalls =    178
Info in <Minuit2>: VariableMetricBuilder    9 - FCN =      -4021.248087 Edm =     0.04570298805 NCalls =    195
Info in <Minuit2>: VariableMetricBuilder   10 - FCN =      -4021.434175 Edm =      0.1403543632 NCalls =    219
Info in <Minuit2>: VariableMetricBuilder   11 - FCN =      -4021.491854 Edm =       0.154922566 NCalls =    236
Info in <Minuit2>: VariableMetricBuilder   12 - FCN =       -4021.58361 Edm =     0.08267535242 NCalls =    255
Info in <Minuit2>: VariableMetricBuilder   13 - FCN =      -4021.729821 Edm =      0.5523697551 NCalls =    274
Info in <Minuit2>: VariableMetricBuilder   14 - FCN =      -4021.940602 Edm =      0.3002726429 NCalls =    292
Info in <Minuit2>: VariableMetricBuilder   15 - FCN =      -4022.138749 Edm =      0.1547691695 NCalls =    310
Info in <Minuit2>: VariableMetricBuilder   16 - FCN =      -4022.258338 Edm =      0.0159670003 NCalls =    326
Info in <Minuit2>: VariableMetricBuilder   17 - FCN =      -4022.275158 Edm =   0.0001518387563 NCalls =    340
Warning in <Minuit2>: MnPosDef Matrix forced pos-def by adding to diagonal 0.0645936
Info in <Minuit2>: VariableMetricBuilder After Hessian
Info in <Minuit2>: VariableMetricBuilder   18 - FCN =      -4022.275158 Edm =   0.0001996152154 NCalls =    382
Warning in <Minuit2>: Minuit2Minimizer::Minimize Covar was made pos def
Minuit2Minimizer : Valid minimum - status = 1
FVAL  = -4022.27515826609215
Edm   = 0.000199615215363708223
Nfcn  = 382
a0	  = 0.431767	 +/-  0.39518	(limited)
a1	  = 0.990216	 +/-  0.725769	(limited)
a2	  = 0.481864	 +/-  0.324117	(limited)
a3	  = 0.136878	 +/-  0.268015	(limited)
a4	  = 0.135699	 +/-  0.146703	(limited)
norm	  = 1840.96	 +/-  47.9275	(limited)
Info in <Minuit2>: Minuit2Minimizer::Hesse Using max-calls 3000
Info in <Minuit2>: Minuit2Minimizer::Hesse Hesse is valid - matrix is accurate
[#1] INFO:Minimization -- RooAbsMinimizerFcn::setOptimizeConst: deactivating const optimization
[#1] INFO:Plotting -- RooAbsPdf::plotOn(model) p.d.f was fitted in a subrange and no explicit NormRange() was specified. Plotting / normalising in fit range. To override, do one of the following
	- Clear the automatic fit range attribute: <pdf>.removeStringAttribute("fitrange");
	- Explicitly specify the plotting range: Range("<rangeName>").
	- Explicitly specify where to compute the normalisation: NormRange("<rangeName>").
	The default (full) range can be denoted with Range("") / NormRange("").
[#1] INFO:Plotting -- RooAbsPdf::plotOn(model) only plotting range 'R1,R2'
[#1] INFO:Plotting -- RooAbsPdf::plotOn(model) p.d.f. curve is normalized using explicit choice of ranges 'fit_nll_model_data_R1,fit_nll_model_data_R2'
  Number of data events = 1601
-log(L) at minimum = -4022.28
chi2 = 1.03646
  1) RooRealVar::   a0 = 0.431767 +/- 0.244056
  2) RooRealVar::   a1 = 0.990216 +/- 0.649953
  3) RooRealVar::   a2 = 0.481864 +/- 0.322393
  4) RooRealVar::   a3 = 0.136878 +/- 0.11275
  5) RooRealVar::   a4 = 0.135699 +/- 0.0836204
  6) RooRealVar:: norm = 1840.96 +/- 46.664
  norm = 1840.96 +/- 46.664
Info in <TCanvas::Print>: pdf file 2017UL_SR3_CHEB_FTEST.pdf has been created

Is that the output that you expect? Maybe it is fixed by circumventing the multi-range fit problem I mentioned in the other thread, either by doing an extended fit or by using ROOT 6.26 or newer.


ah, thank you very much, Jonas !

I suspected it might be the reason. I will move then to
ROOT 6.18/04.

Thanks again, cheers, Sasha.

ROOT 6.18/04 is not new enough, it needs to be at least 6.26.00 :frowning:

Hi again Jonas,

sorry for stupid question. How to set ROOT 6.30/02. I am
working with CMSSW_11_3_4 setup which use ROOT 6.22/09

Thanks, Sasha.

Is it important for you to stick with the CMSSW environment? If yes, you can just sources a newer one, like CMSSW_14_0_1 from lxplus8 or lxplus9.

Or just log onto lxplus9 without any cmsenv, because ROOT 6.30 is the default there.


Thanks, Jonas,

source /cvmfs/

also works. I got my Bernstein running !

Cheers, Sasha.

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