FitPanel Package Download Homebrew MacOS

I am trying to use the Fit panel on the root 7 GUI on MacOS, however the option to click on the “Fit panel” button is greyed out and I can’t select it. I installed root using homebrew. I think I might be missing the fitpanel package, however I do not know how to install it on mac. I know others have had the same issue and installed the package through yum, however the package was not available on homebrew when I searched for it. How do I install it?

ROOT Version: 7
Platform: MacOS
Compiler: GCC

“root 7”… It means you are using the JSROOT GUI ? right ?
I am not sure the fit panel is implemented yet in that case. @linev can tell more.


It is not a problem of your installation, but just a missing feature.

Web-based FitPanel was implemented some time ago and can be used separately.
See: tutorials/v7/fitpanel6.cxx example. But I forget to provide it for web-based TCanvas.
Will be enabled soon.


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