I’m running a hypothesis test using ProfileLikelihoodCalculator from RooStats, on JupyROOT 6.30/04 from SWAN.
If I don’t fiddle with ROOT::Math::MinimizerOptions (except for print level), I see that the test runs Minuit2 four times, getting status values [3, 5, 3, 5], and finally Minuit(1) with status 4000.
As far as I understand, the 5’s seem to come from “re-scans”, while the 3’s from plain (?) minimization.
before doing anything else, the test only performs one Minuit(1) fit iteration with status 0.
The difference seems to be the EDM criterion for convergence: for Minuit2, I see
convergence for edm < 0
while for Minuit(1)
I’ve noticed that here, tolerance is int.
Indeed, it seems I can make Minuit2 converge during the first iteration, only if I call ROOT.Math.MinimizerOptions.SetDefaultTolerance(1.).
Am I missing something, or is this an issue with ROOT?
Just updating the thread with a reproducer for what I was describing:
import ROOT
x = ROOT.RooRealVar('x',
'Random variable',
-10., +10)
mu = ROOT.RooRealVar('mu',
'Mean of gaussian',
0., -10., +10.)
sigma = ROOT.RooRealVar('sigma',
'Standard deviation of gaussian',
1., 0.1, 10.)
pdf = ROOT.RooGaussian('pdf',
'Test PDF',
x, mu, sigma)
ds = pdf.generate(x, Name='ds', NumEvents=100_000)
hypo = ROOT.RooArgSet(x).snapshot()
mu.setVal(5.) # To start fit with worse parameter estimate
calc = ROOT.RooStats.ProfileLikelihoodCalculator(ds, pdf, (), 0.05, hypo)
On ROOT 6.32.04 (on lxplus), with Minuit2, I see for the global fit:
If I run the same script with Minuit(1), either on ROOT 6.26/11 as it is, or on 6.32.04 after uncommenting #ROOT.Math.MinimizerOptions.SetDefaultMinimizer('Minuit'), I see instead:
Status : MINIMIZE=0
After the first iteration, the edm is actually smaller for Minuit2 (3.74569e-09 vs 7.48973e-09), yet it fails the convergence check due to some stricter cut.