Filling a histogram with content of two other histograms at different x-axis ranges

Dear all,
I have two 1D histograms h1 ( from 0 to 120 and bin number 14) and h2 (from 5 to 120 and bin number 19).
I want create and fill a third histogram h3 with the content of h1 from x-axis range 0-20 and the content of h2 above 20 to 120.

Here is what I am trying to do:

TH1D *h3 = new TH1D("h3","h3", 19, 0, 120);

for (Int_t i=0; i<=20; i++){
        float content = h1->GetBinContent(i);
        float error = h1->GetBinError(i);

for (Int_t j=20; j<=120; j++){
        float contentt = h2->GetBinContent(j);
        float errorr = h2->GetBinError(j);

But I am not getting the right histogram. Can someone help?


You loop over the bins. They are numbered from 1 to N

1st loop should be:

for (Int_t i=1; i<=14; i++){

2nd loop should be:

for (Int_t j=1; j<=19; j++){

Also that might not work. Because:

h1 has 14 bins from 0 to 120
h2 has 19 bins from 5 to 120

You created h3 with 19 bins from 0 to 120 … the range is fine because it include both h1 and h2 but the number of bins is problematic.
Just take bin 1 from h1 and bin 1 from h3: They do not match because h1 has 14 bins and h3 19 …

Thanks for your reply.
Let me modify my problem like this:

TH1D *h1 = new TH1D("h1","",100,0,120);
TH1D *h2 = new TH1D("h2","",100,0,120);
TH1D *h3 = new TH1D("h3","",100,0,120);//they have same bins

h2->FillRandom("landau",1000);//just arbitrary functions

Now the question is, how to fill h3 with h1 (using its content from 0 to 20 only) and h2 (using its content from 20 to 120)?

   auto C = new TCanvas("C","C",600,800);
   TH1D *h1 = new TH1D("h1","",100,0,120);
   TH1D *h2 = new TH1D("h2","",100,0,120);
   TH1D *h3 = new TH1D("h3","",100,0,120);


   int h1bin1 = h1->FindBin(0.);
   int h1bin2 = h1->FindBin(20.);
   int h2bin1 = h2->FindBin(20.);
   int h2bin2 = h2->FindBin(120.);

   for (Int_t i=h1bin1; i<=h1bin2; i++){
      float content = h1->GetBinContent(i);
      float error = h1->GetBinError(i);

   for (Int_t j=h2bin1; j<=h2bin2; j++){
      float contentt = h2->GetBinContent(j);
      float errorr = h2->GetBinError(j);

   C->cd(1); h1->Draw();
   C->cd(2); h2->Draw();
   C->cd(3); h3->Draw("hist");

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