I don’t manage to have control of the background color of a TPaveText when the “ARC” option is enabled. No problem, though, when it’s not passed. Here is a MWE:
even though I use the exact same commands for both pavetexts.
It seems that if a custom TStyle is used, where TStyle::SetLineColor() is defined, for some reason, the TPaveText object with “ARC” takes this color as the background one.
Would anyone know how to control this color? Or is it a bug?
I also noticed that SetBorderSize(1) (or any nonzero value) if “BR” is not passed as an option gives this black background; However, "NDC ARC" with SetBorderSize(0) sets the background to the correct color. I wonder if somehow the shadow color is not applied as the background color if the border is nonzero and without option regarding the borders type?
Apologies for the delay in identifying the issue. Initially, I suspected it might be related to color handling or something similar. However, the root cause turned out to be improper handling of the drawing options, as addressed in this PR. Specifically, the shadow, in case the ARC option, completely obscured the pave drawing. Thank you for noticing this! The issue has been resolved by the previously mentioned PR.