Fill array with 0 if too little data for fit

Good afternoon,

EDIT: The first problems I managed to solve. Now however:

I would like to fill align3[ii] with 0 if there’s too little data in the histogram, e.g. such that TF1 *fit = hpx->GetFunction(“gaus”); can’t be called. How could I go about this?

EDIT2: Solved it.

int x(){
    double align3[7808];
    TH1 *h1 = new TH1F("h1", "", 100, -2.5, 2.5);
    TString filename = "align3.dat";
    ofstream file_out(filename);
    for (int ii = 0; ii < 7808; ii++){
        for (int jj = 0; jj < 100; jj++){
            double binnumber = fHResidual->GetBin(jj+1, ii+1);
            double bincontent = fHResidual->GetBinContent(binnumber);
            h1->SetBinContent(jj+1, bincontent);

        if (h1->GetBinContent(h1->GetMaximumBin())>200){
            TH1F *hpx = (TH1F*)h1->Clone("hnew");
            double r = hpx->Fit("gaus");
            int fitStatus = r;
            TF1 *fit = hpx->GetFunction("gaus");
                if ( fit->GetParameter(2) < 8e-01 ){
                    align3[ii] = fit->GetParameter(1);
                    file_out << align3[ii] << "\n";
                } else { file_out << "0" << "\n"; }
            } else { file_out << "1" << "\n"; }
