Fancy Luminosity Symbol?


I appologize if this has been answered before, but I couldn’t find anything: is it possible to produce a fancy / pretty luminosity symbol with e.g. TLatex? #mathcal{L} does not work, but maybe there is an alternative that does?


This is on the to-do list. This character is not available on screen and/or PS/PDF (I do not remember which way now). That’s why it was not implemented until now. You mean #ell ? right ?

Thanks, I see.

No, I mean #mathcal{L}, but I’d love to have #ell as well (which looks good on e.g. Z#rightarrow#ell#ell)! :slight_smile:

The attached image shows the difference.

latex-image-1.pdf (40.8 KB)

I do not see that one in the PS manual I have.
After the December release, early next year, we will revisit the font management in order to allow to include more that the 14 fonts we have now. May be that will help to solve this kind of issues.

Any luck getting {\mathcal L}? Now that we actually have luminosity at the LHC, this is going to come up a lot. :smiley:


Not yet… there was an attempt by somebody from FermiLab, but he gave up, having not find a proper solution. I have some code to embed TTF fonts in PS and PDF. I hope that may help but it needs a lot of testing. This is on our tasks list.

Thanks for the update. Let us know when it’s ready to test!


That’s just a “hope” it might be a solution …
Cross fingers… :slight_smile: