Extracting contour plots from TMinuit

I’ve always used TGraph::Fit method for fitting my data with a TF1 a model function.
Now, say my function is complicate and cannot be simply wrapped by TF1.
So, I guess I have to use TMinuit for fitting and define a minizing fuction, FCN, describing the ChiSquare (or -likelihood). So my question is the following.
Once the TMinuit fit is done (best parameters and minimum fcn returned), is there a simple way to automatically get the associated contour plots (e.g. of parameter correlation, marginal contour plots corresponding e.g. to N sigmas)??

Yes, assuming you have a TMinuit object called gm, after having performed the minimization, to get the contour plot with 50 points for parameters 1 and 2:

TGraph *tg=(TGraph*)gm->Contour(50,1,2);

To get the contour plot at n sigma, before calling Contour:


Thank you;
the function minimized by TMinuit, “FCN”, is however an arbitrary function defined by the user. So:
How the FCN has to be defined to make such plots have the proper statistical meaning?
FCN = Chi2? Or FCN = Chi2/Ndof? Or something else, like FCN = -Likelihood…?

[quote=“dom_eckert”]Yes, assuming you have a TMinuit object called gm, after having performed the minimization, to get the contour plot with 50 points for parameters 1 and 2:

TGraph *tg=(TGraph*)gm->Contour(50,1,2);

To get the contour plot at n sigma, before calling Contour:

gm->SetErrorDef(n*n); [/quote]

You should use chi2, not chi2/d.o.f.

If you want to use - log(likelihood), you should beware of the normalization. E.g., in the case of Cash’s C statistics, it should be -2*log(likelihood).

Yes but…
Let’s say my FCN gives the Chi2 arising from model-data comparison.
The uncertainty bounds associated to the best-fit parameters, should also depend on the DoF (the number of data points). Shouldn’t them?
This information is not used in Minuit, when computing the TGraphs.
Are such plots reliable??

You should use chi2, not chi2/d.o.f.

If you want to use - log(likelihood), you should beware of the normalization. E.g., in the case of Cash’s C statistics, it should be -2*log(likelihood).[/quote]