Dear experts,
My question in pyroot, I don’t know if it is the right place to ask.
I’m using pyroot to produce some plots, When I write the axes titles, I have extra spaces as shown in the attached figure1. The x axis has space between cm and 2 , the y-axis has extra space between bracket [ and micro. Here is what I wrote to define the axes titles using latex.
grI.GetXaxis().SetTitle("Integrated charge [mC/cm^{2}]")
grI.GetYaxis().SetTitle("Current density [#muA/cm^{2}]")
where grI is a graph.
I tried to remove the extra spaces with some characters but another problem appear that the font style changed and micro symbol in y-axis don’t appear probably, shown in attached figure2. Here what I used:
grI.GetXaxis().SetTitle("Integrated\,charge\, [mC/cm^{\,\!2}]")
grI.GetYaxis().SetTitle("Current\, density \, [uA/cm^{\!2}]")
Do you have any suggestions to remove those extra space without changing the font style.
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