Example "staff.C" used in Chapter 12 Trees

I have the updated root version (5.26).

In page 189, a script named staff.C and input data staff.dat are used for explaining. However, in $ROOTSYS/tutorials/tree there are actually no corresponding files…

In the tutorial there is another script named cernstaff.C, but it is a different story.

In page 189, a script named staff.C and input data staff.dat are used for explaining. However, in $ROOTSYS/tutorials/tree there are actually no corresponding files... 

staff.C exists.

Yes, stuff.C do exist in the tutorial/tree , but it is a different version from that shows in the P189, where
it creates a TTree. Furthermore, no stuff.dat anyway.

Anyhow, cernstuff.C etc. includes more …

staff … not stuff…
It is just the data file which is now on a server.
Not a big deal.