Error::Integration and ERROR:Eval on plotting NLL vs POI from constrained fit

Posting this again, hoping for a second chance :slight_smile: I’m trying to plot the negative log-likelihood vs signal strength for a constrained fit, the original thread is here: Plotting NLL vs POI from constrained fit. A bit more info this time: the error I get from the plotOn line is of this kind

[#0] ERROR:Integration -- RooNumIntFactory::createIntegrator: No integration method has been defined for an open ended 2-dimensional integral
[#0] ERROR:Integration -- RooRealIntegral::subsidiary_Int[B,Bnom,sigmaB]: failed to create valid integrator.
[#0] ERROR:Integration -- RooRealIntegral::subsidiary_Int[B,Bnom,sigmaB]:evaluate: cannot initialize numerical integrator
[#0] ERROR:Integration -- RooNumIntFactory::createIntegrator: No integration method has been defined for an open ended 2-dimensional integral
[#0] ERROR:Integration -- RooRealIntegral::subsidiary_Int[B,Bnom,sigmaB]: failed to create valid integrator.
[#0] ERROR:Integration -- RooRealIntegral::subsidiary_Int[B,Bnom,sigmaB]:evaluate: cannot initialize numerical integrator
[#0] ERROR:Eval -- RooAbsReal::logEvalError(subsidiary) evaluation error, 
 origin       : RooGaussian::subsidiary[ x=Bnom mean=B sigma=sigmaB ]
 message      : p.d.f normalization integral is zero or negative
 server values: x=Bnom=20, mean=B=20 +/- 4.9999, sigma=sigmaB=5
[#0] ERROR:Eval -- RooAbsReal::logEvalError(subsidiary) evaluation error, 
 origin       : RooGaussian::subsidiary[ x=Bnom mean=B sigma=sigmaB ]
 message      : getLogVal() top-level p.d.f evaluates to zero
 server values: x=Bnom=20, mean=B=20 +/- 4.9999, sigma=sigmaB=5
[#0] ERROR:Integration -- RooNumIntFactory::createIntegrator: No integration method has been defined for an open ended 2-dimensional integral
[#0] ERROR:Integration -- RooRealIntegral::subsidiary_Int[B,Bnom,sigmaB]: failed to create valid integrator.
[#0] ERROR:Integration -- RooRealIntegral::subsidiary_Int[B,Bnom,sigmaB]:evaluate: cannot initialize numerical integrator
[#0] ERROR:Eval -- RooAbsReal::logEvalError(subsidiary) evaluation error, 
 origin       : RooGaussian::subsidiary[ x=Bnom mean=B sigma=sigmaB ]
 message      : p.d.f normalization integral is zero or negative
 server values: x=Bnom=20, mean=B=20 +/- 4.9999, sigma=sigmaB=5
[#0] ERROR:Eval -- RooAbsReal::logEvalError(subsidiary) evaluation error, 
 origin       : RooGaussian::subsidiary[ x=Bnom mean=B sigma=sigmaB ]
 message      : getLogVal() top-level p.d.f evaluates to zero
 server values: x=Bnom=20, mean=B=20 +/- 4.9999, sigma=sigmaB=5
[#0] ERROR:Integration -- RooNumIntFactory::createIntegrator: No integration method has been defined for an open ended 2-dimensional integral
[#0] ERROR:Integration -- RooRealIntegral::subsidiary_Int[B,Bnom,sigmaB]: failed to create valid integrator.
[#0] ERROR:Integration -- RooRealIntegral::subsidiary_Int[B,Bnom,sigmaB]:evaluate: cannot initialize numerical integrator
[#0] WARNING:Plotting -- At observable [x]=0 RooGaussian::subsidiary[ x=Bnom mean=B sigma=sigmaB ]
     p.d.f normalization integral is zero or negative @ x=Bnom=20, mean=B=20 +/- 4.9999, sigma=sigmaB=5
     getLogVal() top-level p.d.f evaluates to zero @ x=Bnom=20, mean=B=20 +/- 4.9999, sigma=sigmaB=5

Below is the actual code. Any ideas where I’m going wrong?

void ex10_test()
  // Make an empty workspace that exports its contents to CINT
  RooWorkspace *w = new RooWorkspace("w",kTRUE) ;

  TCanvas* c = new TCanvas("c", "c", 900, 600);

  // create variables
  w->factory("S[20]") ; // signal prediction
  w->factory("B[20,0,100]") ; // bkg prediction (floating, to be constrained by subsidiary measurement)
  w->factory("mu[1, 0, 5]"); // nominal=1

  // Declare the model observable (i.e. the quantity we measure, in this case an event count)
  w->factory("Poisson::model(N[100], expr:Nexp('mu*S+B', mu, S, B))");

  RooDataSet dataR("data","data",*w->var("N")) ;
  RooDataSet* data = &dataR;
  w->var("N")->setVal(45) ; // perform a single experiment, where we measure 45 events (? I think)

  // Now we construct a Gaussian subsidiary measurement:
  w->factory("Gaussian::subsidiary(Bnom[20],B,sigmaB[5])") ;
  // Gaussian::name(variable, mean, sigma)

  RooPlot* frameSub = w->var("Bnom")->frame(0, 50, 50);

  // Finally, we construct a new model that the product of the
  // original model and the subsidiary measurement

  // perform fit

  // latex.DrawLatexNDC(.5,.7,Form("#mu = %.3f #pm %.3f", w->var("mu")->getValV(), w->var("mu")->getError())); //#mu = {} #pm {}");

  // Have a look at all the objects created in the workspace
  w->Print("t") ;

  // add negative log likelihood to 2nd plot
  cout << "\n>>>>>> About to compute negative log-likelihood of fit including subsidiary measurement " << endl;
  // Draw -logL vs. mu,
  RooPlot* frameNLL = w->var("mu")->frame(0, 2); //, 2);
  RooAbsReal* nll = w->pdf("model2")->createNLL(*data) ;
  if (!nll) {cout << "ERROR: didn't get -logL. exiting." << endl; return; }

//	Plot the nll on a frame with the signal strength parameter
  nll->plotOn(frameNLL) ;

// TLatex latex;
// latex.SetTextSize(0.065);
// latex.SetTextAlign(13);  //align at top
// latex.DrawLatexNDC(.5,.7,Form("#mu = %.3f #pm %.3f", w->var("mu")->getValV(), w->var("mu")->getError())); //#mu = {} #pm {}");

// B was in reality measured from a Gaussian(B, sigmaB).
// The width of this Gaussian will determine the un-
// certainty on mu, which now increases as compared to
// taking B to be a constant number.

  // This constructs the small variation of the model of Ex1 (9?)
  // instead of Nexp = S+B we do Nexp = mu*S + B
  // Here S is now the _nominal_ signal expectation, a constant, and where
  // mu is the 'signal strength modifier', a floating parameters
  // The product mu*S has now the same role as the original S parameter
  // of the model of ex1, but we have expressed the floating parameter
  // in a different way, that is independent of the predicted signal yield
  // mu = 1 --> Signal strength is equal to nominal expection
  // mu = 0 --> Signal srength is zero
  // mu = 2 --> Signal strength is twice the nominal expectation

    // Now we will transform the _constant_ background with
    // floating background parameter and introduce a subsidiary
    // measurement that constrains that floating parameter

@moneta, perhaps you can help here?

Thank you,

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