Error in cling::MetaProcessor

I’ve installed on my PC:

ROOT 6.06/04 Built for linuxx8664gcc

and when I start a new session then I get immediately the message:

Error in cling::MetaProcessor: cannot read input from a (likely) binary file!

Is it possible to fix this problem?


Just after having entered ROOT or you typed some commands ?
Can you give here the complete listing of error messages you get ?


this message appears before the first command line prompt of ROOT:


| Welcome to ROOT 6.06/04 |
| © 1995-2016, The ROOT Team |
| Built for linuxx8664gcc |
| From tag v6-06-04, 3 May 2016 |

Try ‘.help’, ‘.demo’, ‘.license’, ‘.credits’, ‘.quit’/’.q’

Error in cling::MetaProcessor: cannot read input from a (likely) binary file!
2root [0]



do you have a rootlogon.C file? Does the same error show when you run “root -n”?

Cheers, Axel.

I’ve got it but it was empty and I’ve found that the empty rootlogon.C causes that error message.
I’ve deleted rootlogon.C and the message has disappeared.

Thank you.

I have tried with the master (on Mac). An empty rootlogon.C. gives me:

$ ls rootlogon.C
ls: rootlogon.C: No such file or directory
$ touch rootlogon.C
$ root
  | Welcome to ROOT 6.07/07           |
  |                                   (c) 1995-2016, The ROOT Team |
  | Built for macosx64                                             |
  | From heads/master@v6-07-06-819-gb25ae13, Jul 07 2016, 14:58:03 |
  | Try '.help', '.demo', '.license', '.credits', '.quit'/'.q'     |

warning: cannot find function 'rootlogon()'; falling back to .L
root [0] 

empty, I mean


Hello , I am new here. I was trying to plot momentum § vs beta (B), it says Error in TF1::TF1: can not find any function at the address 0x11fc7d8. This function requested for lin. I cannot fix it , can any one help me please.
here is my code.

#include "TF1.h" #include "TCanvas.h" #include "TMath.h" void momentumplot() { double m=1.008, B, p; TCanvas* myplot = new TCanvas("myplot","", 600,600); double B = p/(TMath::Sqrt(p*p+m*m)); TF1* mom = new TF1("mom", "B",0,1,100); //B = p/(Sqtr(p*P+m*M)); mom->Draw(); mom->Print(); mom->Fill(); mom->SetTitle("Plot of Beta(B) vs P"); }

thanks in Advance.

{ // TF1 *mom = new TF1("mom", "x/TMath::Sqrt(x*x+[0]*[0])", 0, 1); mom->SetParName(0, "m"); mom->SetParameter(0, 1.008); mom->Draw(); }

[quote=“Pepe Le Pew”]{ // TF1 *mom = new TF1("mom", "x/TMath::Sqrt(x*x+[0]*[0])", 0, 1); mom->SetParName(0, "m"); mom->SetParameter(0, 1.008); mom->Draw(); }[/quote]
Thanks Pepe,
this gives the output. I was wondering why it doesn’t work when I place ‘m’ and give its value at the begining.
here you define m as [0] and set at last right.
Also when i tried b = x/TMath::Sqrt(xx+[0][0]), inside it doesn’t give any plot and just draw the canvas. I was wondering is this 2-D plot. Actually I want to plot b with x. how can I do that
Thank you again.

Hello I wanted to plot I = sin^2(theta)/(1-betacos(theta)), where cos(theta) = (sqrt(1+24beta^2)-1)/(4beta), and beta is given as 0, 0.2, 0.9. here is the code I have written. This code doesn’t work. can anyone help me please.
Thanks in advance.
void filename()
plot = new TCanvas(“plot”, “”, 600,600);
Double_t B = 0.2;
Double_t phi = (TMath::Sqrt(1+24BB)-1)/(4B);
theta = TMath::ACos(phi);
f1 = new TF1(“f1”,“TMath::Sin(theta)TMath::Sin(theta)/(1-BTMath::Cos(theta))”);
Double_t x = TMath::Sin(theta)TMath::Sin(theta)/(1-BTMath::Cos(theta));


Thanks Pepe,
I am still confused, I went through all those TF1 files. I need to calculate x first and then use it on the equation and need to plot it.I have different values of B. Here is the code I used , it gives output but is different than it should be.
my question is can we use x in the function defined this way?
Thanks again.
TCanvas* plot = new TCanvas(“plot”, “”, 600,600);
Double_t B = 0.2;
Double_t phi = (TMath::Sqrt(1+24BB)-1)/(4B);
Double_t x = TMath::ACos(phi);
f1 = new TF1(“f1”,“TMath::Sin(theta)TMath::Sin(theta)/(1-BTMath::Cos(theta))”);
//Double_t x = TMath::Sin(th)TMath::Sin(th)/(1-BTMath::Cos(th));
TF1* f1 = new TF1(“f1”,“TMath::Sin(x)*TMath::Sin(x)/(1-[0]*TMath::Cos(x))”,0,10);

// root [0] .x filename.cxx #include "TMath.h" #include "TF1.h" Double_t myfunction(Double_t *x, Double_t */*par*/) { Double_t B = x[0]; Double_t phi = (B ? (TMath::Sqrt(1.+24.*B*B)-1.)/(4.*B) : 0.0); return (1.-phi*phi)/(1.-B*phi); } void filename(void) { // TF1 *f1 = new TF1("f1", myfunction, 0.0, 1.0, 0); f1->Draw(); }

Thanks Pepe,
I still did not get any output and I was wondering why did you return … return (1.-phiphi)/(1.-Bphi); This time I did not get the error message but it doesn’t show any output. Again here is my code.
#include “TMath.h”
#include "TF1.h"
void momentumplotcorrect()
Double_t myFucntion(Double_t *x, Double_t y)
Double_t B = x[0]; //I did not understand this line also, would you mind to explain.
Double_t phi = ((TMath::Sqrt(1.+24.BB)-1.)/(4.B):0.0);
return (1.-phi
void momentumplotcorrect(void)
Double_t y = TMath::ACos(phi);

TF1*f1 = new TF1(“f1”, “TMath::Sin(y)*TMath::Sin(y)/(1-[0]*TMath::Cos(y))”, 0.0,1.0,0);
//here y act as theta in the original equation.
I am really sorry for these simple question, I am new in root. I really appreciate your help.
Thanks again.

I have no idea what you are trying to do.

Copy the whole example source code from my previous post in this thread (without any modifications) into a new file called “filename.cxx”, then start ROOT and then execute:
root [0] .x filename.cxx

BTW. // the conditional ?: (ternary) operator used like this phi = (B ? (TMath::Sqrt(1.+24.*B*B)-1.)/(4.*B) : 0.0); // is equivalent to if (B != 0.0) {phi = (TMath::Sqrt(1.+24.*B*B)-1.)/(4.*B);} else {phi = 0.0;}

Hello all,
I am having trouble to plot date on my data file in root. Is there any best way to do this? I have attached my data shell below. I want to plot first column vs second , second vs four and so on. If I can get idea to plot any two column then I can do rest.
Thanks in advance.
maindata.txt (1.46 KB)

{ // TTree *t = new TTree("t", "my tree"); t->ReadFile("maindata.txt", "a/D:b:c:d"); t->SetMarkerStyle(20); t->SetMarkerSize(0.5); t->SetMarkerColor(kRed); // TCanvas *c1 = new TCanvas("c1", "my canvas"); c1->Divide(2, 2); c1->cd(1); t->Draw("b:a"); c1->cd(2); t->Draw("b:d"); c1->cd(3); t->Draw("c:a"); c1->cd(4); t->Draw("d:c:b:a"); // "a" encodes the markers' color c1->cd(0); }

Thanks Pepe.
It works.