Error: histogram is not fill

ROOT 6.15/01
From heads/master@v6-13-04-536-g67ea09a


I have a problem in fill the histogram, maybe the problem
is memory.

Let me explain, the code below description how I did:

TH1D * hNPartOrigin= new TH1D("hNPartOrigin", "", lNPtBins, lPtMin, lPtMax);
TH1D *hEventCounter = new TH1D("hEventCounter","",1,-0.5,0.5);

TTree* Thist = new TTree("Thist", "");

Thist->Branch("hNPartOrigin", "TH1D", &hNPartOrigin);

// Number of events
hEventCounter -> Fill(0);

// Loop over all particles in a single event
 for(Long_t j=0; j<nparticles; j++) {
       hNPartOrigin-> Fill( pt );

// fills Tree

In the TBrowser (hNPartOrigin):

In the TBrowser (hEventCounter):


*Tree    :Thist     : Baseline Flow Event                                    *
*Entries :    10244 : Total =       224441783 bytes  File  Size =   87728097 *
*        :          : Tree compression factor =   2.32                       *
*Br    0 :hNPartOrigin : TH1D                                                *
*Entries :    10244 : Total  Size=   10563933 bytes  File Size  =    1212704 *
*Baskets :      108 : Basket Size=    2284032 bytes  Compression=   7.91     *

Someone can help me?


I see you are filling the histogram hNPartOrigin with “pt” . But what is pt ?

also what is the purpose of:

Thist->Branch("hNPartOrigin", "TH1D", &hNPartOrigin);

Hi, @couet thanks for the reply.

pt is transverse momentum. I fix this problem a few weeks ago,
the histogram Thist is not used in what I need to do and
now everything in my code is working very well.

Thanks for the help!

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