Your question is ambiguous as I do not understand what you expect to happen.
The message you report
Info in TCanvas::MakeDefCanvas: created default TCanvas with name c1
Is not worrying at all. In fact, this is what happens everytime the default canvas is drawn. Info is different from Error. So, what is your problem with this message?
ch0 = Tree.GetBranch(“Channel0”)
What do you expect this function to do?
I am going to guess from the overall look of your message that you would like to fill a histogram with the contents of the branch Channel0, create a canvas and draw that histogram on the canvas.
If this is correct, isn’t rootbrowse a faster alternative for you?
Open the browser with rootbrowse on the command line
void ch0Draw() {
auto C = new TCanvas();
auto myFile = new TFile("/home/erg/po_1_event/Oct13070311.root");
TTree *Tree = (TTree*) myFile.Get("FADCData 882");
if (Tree) Tree->Draw("Channel0");
else cout << "unknown TTree" << endl;