Draw roofit with line and fill


I would like to draw a plot using roofit.
I already know how to draw.
But I am not familial with draw option.
When I want to draw just line, I don’t need option.
But when I want to draw filled plot, DrawOption(“F”) makes fill.
Then what can I do to draw one function filled and with line?

RootFit manages drawing options its own way.
Have you tried to change the line color ?

Yes I did.

Following is the line to draw my function.

modelRD.plotOn(frameRD, Components(NPfunc), LineStyle(1), LineColor(kGreen+1), LineWidth(2), FillStyle(2019), FillColor(kGreen+1), DrawOption("F"), RooFit::Name("NPfunc"));

And I have changed line color like following.

modelRD.plotOn(frameRD, Components(NPfunc), LineStyle(1), LineColor(2), LineWidth(2), FillStyle(2019), FillColor(kGreen+1), DrawOption("F"), RooFit::Name("NPfunc"));

But it doesn’t work

Root drawing is documented in the RooFit User guide, page 122 of:

root.cern.ch/download/doc/RooFi … .91-33.pdf