I saved a user defined class in root file which contains a TH2F member. When I double click the histogram in TBrowser, it do not draw itself on canvas like other directly saved histogram do. Instead, it shows all its members in class TH2F. How can I make the histogram of a class member draw itself in TBrowser?
I’m sorry I’m not able to upload root file because of encryption of the company. But it’s like in the picture. While I double click DetIntTest the image can be shown, do the same to DetIntH2F which is a member of class UCTSimuDetRes, all its member functions are shown, not the image.
According to your image, DetIntH2F is not a histogram, nor a variable, so you cannot “draw” it just like you cannot directly draw a tree (like your “RunMetadataTree”). Its icon, if it were a histogram, would look like the one of DetIntTest (blue bars). If there is a histogram inside DetIntH2F you have to scroll down the list inside DetIntH2F and see if you find anything.