Doubts on histogram sum

Hi, in this macro I sum the two MC simulations (6997 and 6998) and BIB to compare the sum to data reaction.

But looking the each one of the MC histograms, I see peaks that I don’t see in the sum. For example, approximately at 2300keV the MC 6997 (magenta) has a huge peack (near the legend) that isn’t present in the sum (orange).
Is my code wrong?

Ps. root files are quite large…could you check the code without the files? Otherwise I will upload them

mcdata.c (7.3 KB)

Draw the “sum” as the very last one or, even better, draw all these histograms on separate pads (you will then clearly see each of them).

Then, you need to talk to your colleagues and/or your supervisor about the choice of histograms and cuts.

Hi @Wile_E_Coyote

Here the plot with some over other plots. As you can see the peaks are missing

mcdata.c (7.0 KB)

How should I do it? I’m using the code

tBIB->Draw(hStringBIB0,cut0a && cut0b,"same");	
TH1F *hBIB0 = (TH1F*)gPad->GetPrimitive("htempBIB0");

It gets data and draws them. How just get data to sum the plot without draw partial plots?
Should I fill the TH1F without drawing?Or is there faster way?

The cuts are right:
I use:

TCut cut0a = TString::Format("e0>0").Data();
TCut cut0c = TString::Format("Edep[0]>0").Data();

to plot only detected events (i.e. events depositing energy in the detectors).


TCut cut0b = TString::Format("e2==0").Data();

to exclude signals from the pulser. Anyway, the problem is that peaks are missing when I sum the histograms. I mean, if I sum two histograms I should see the peaks in the sum…

The simplest “visual check” could be to put at the end of your macro:

TCanvas *c = new TCanvas("c", "c");
c->Divide(3, 2);
c->cd(1); gPad->SetLogy(); hRea0->Draw();
c->cd(2); gPad->SetLogy(); hBIB0->Draw();
c->cd(3); gPad->SetLogy(); hMC970->Draw();
c->cd(4); gPad->SetLogy(); hMC980->Draw();
c->cd(5); gPad->SetLogy(); hSum0->Draw();
c->cd(6); gPad->SetLogy(); diff0->Draw();

Hi @Wile_E_Coyote

actually, when plotting the sum histogram alone, the peaks are the peaks.
Then, maybe is there any error when I superimpose the plots?

I tried to only superimpose reaction data and the sum and I get this plot

it looks like to me that when I superimpose the plots, the peaks of the sum are not printed as line (as it happen when I plot the sum alone) but just by few points…then it’s difficult to see the peks

mcdata.c (7.8 KB)

Looks like you miss the "HIST" drawing option in the “Draw” call.

Yes, I know it looks like that HIST option is missing, but as you can see in the macro

mcdata.c (7.8 KB)

the HIST option is set.

EDIT: Solved! I had to set HIST option also in Draw() function! example:

   	hSum0->Draw("HIST SAME");

I forgot it and I just set

Thanks @Wile_E_Coyote

One more question @Wile_E_Coyote please.

As you can see in the plot the sum histogram (orange) is a factor alpha higher than the reaction plot (blue). Then I should rescale the sum plot to have the same height of the reaction one. Ie. I should plot the sum plot as


Is there an automatic way to get the alpha coefficient?


Hello @Wile_E_Coyote

I tried

TCanvas *c03 = new TCanvas("c01","c01",1280,1024);
   	 TObjArray *mcbib = new TObjArray(3);        // MC and BIB histograms are put in this array
   	 TFractionFitter* fit = new TFractionFitter(hRea0, mcbib); // initialise
   fit->Constrain(1,0.0,1.0);               // constrain fraction 1 to be between 0 and 1
   fit->SetRangeX(1,15);                    // use only the first 15 bins in the fit
   Int_t status = fit->Fit();               // perform the fit
   std::cout << "fit status: " << status << std::endl;
   if (status == 0) {                       // check on fit status
     TH1F* result = (TH1F*) fit->GetPlot();

but I get

 **    1 **SET PRINT           0
 **    2 **SET NOGRAD
    NO.   NAME         VALUE      STEP SIZE      LIMITS
     1 frac0        3.33333e-01  1.00000e-02     no limits
     2 frac1        3.33333e-01  1.00000e-02    0.00000e+00  1.00000e+00
     3 frac2        3.33333e-01  1.00000e-02     no limits
 **    3 **SET ERR         0.5
 **    4 **SET PRINT           0
 **    5 **SET STR           1
 **    6 **MIGRAD        1345        0.01
 ============== Negative diagonal element 1 in Error Matrix
 ============== 1.00339 added to diagonal of error matrix
 ============== Negative diagonal element 1 in Error Matrix
 ============== 115119 added to diagonal of error matrix
 FCN=-34764.7 FROM MIGRAD    STATUS=FAILED         70 CALLS          71 TOTAL
                     EDM=1.26678e+08    STRATEGY= 1      ERR MATRIX APPROXIMATE
  EXT PARAMETER                APPROXIMATE        STEP         FIRST   
  NO.   NAME      VALUE            ERROR          SIZE      DERIVATIVE 
   1  frac0       -2.64959e+01   1.00066e+00  -0.00000e+00   1.59066e+04
   2  frac1        2.18605e-01   1.21803e-03   0.00000e+00   2.66754e+01
   3  frac2        7.20523e-01   2.93541e-03   0.00000e+00  -4.26068e+02
                               ERR DEF= 0.5
Warning in <TFractionFitter::Fit>: Abnormal termination of minimization.
fit status: 4
Info in <TCanvas::Print>: png file Simulazione/Rea0611-MC6998-MC6997-BIB0735-Fitter_GePD.png has been created

 *** Break *** segmentation violation

mcdata.c (9.3 KB)

This looks strange in your case:

fit->Constrain(1,0.0,1.0);               // constrain fraction 1 to be between 0 and 1
fit->SetRangeX(1,15);                    // use only the first 15 bins in the fit

Another approach (not using the TFractionFitter) has been proposed in:

Hi @Wile_E_Coyote

Hi deleted these lines, but I still get error (see attachment)

error.txt (4.6 KB)

I’m going to read this post too.

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