Difference between UpperLimits and expected limits inside StandardHypoTestInvDemo

My obsData is a data modeled from the background component of the model, so it represent the “background-only” hypothesis. When I get the upper limits I get a plot that the expected (median) does not match the observed. I do not understand why this would not match, is something else happening inside StadardHypoTestInv for the data set?

Many thanks in advance.

Best regards,

Example of the inputs, the black dots are the ObsData:

The model:
higgs_lfv_stat_model.root (30.4 KB)

The output limits:
Screenshot 2024-11-06 at 18.47.50

Hello @fmgaray, maybe @jonas is able to help you with this.

Just to add more information. We run the same thing on ROOT version 6.24.06 (the one from previous message is 6.32.02), and we did not see this difference (see plots attached). Please help.

Best regards,

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