Construct the histogram with unix time on X-axis

I have a same data set with the unix time and its corresponding data
Unix time stamp Data
1638338401- 43
1638338432- 23
1638338461- 24

I want to produce the 2D histogram with UNIX time on X-axis and Data set on Y-axis.

Thank You so much.

I am trying to add unix time on X-axis instead of date,
also I didn’t understand the use of
‘’'noise=f.Gaus(0.5*(X1+X2), 0.1*(X2-X1))

for(Int_t f = 0; f < nEntries; f++) //loop over to fill the histogram
    //Double_t noise = f.Gaus(0.5*(X1+X2), 0.1*(X2-X1))

‘’'void Histogram()

TDatime T0(2021, 12, 1, 0, 0, 0);
int X0 = T0.Convert();
TDatime T1(2021, 12, 01, 0, 0, 0);
int X1 = T1.Convert()-X0;
TDatime T2(2021, 12, 30, 0, 0, 0);
int X2 = T2.Convert(1)-X0;


What do you call “unix time” ? if that’s the number of seconds since 1970 (the standard definition) you can just use an integer. No need for a time axis.

Thank You,
I tried but it changes the unix time to notation. I tried decreasing the X-axis label size but it didn’t worked.
Is there any way to include the unix time?

Unix time is seconds, that’s an integer how can the “unix time notation” be changed ? it is just integers. Do you have an example showing what is wrong ?

my range is from

    TH2F *hist = new TH2F("hist", "Current vs Time", 100, 1638338399000,1635742801000, 80, 20, 200);

But my Plot show as
Screen Shot 2022-04-29 at 1.22.22 AM

The order of you X limit is wrong. It should be:

 TH2D *hist = new TH2D("hist", "Current vs Time", 100, 1635742801000, 1638338399000, 80, 20, 200);

The value you entered are bigger than the largest integer authorised in C++. try to google “largest integer C++” . I suggest you apply an offset (substrate some fixed value) to reduce the range.