'Component' is not recognized when drawing a RooPlot

Dear all,

I have a question which may be related to ROOT/Roofit versions,

I use ROOT5.28 with RooFit enabled, and want to fit a distribution with three MC based pdf:

// MC histogram
  TH1F* hZtautau = new TH1F( "hZtautau", "", nbin, start, end );
  TH1F* hZmumu = new TH1F( "hZmumu", "", nbin, start, end );
  TH1F* hHiggs = new TH1F( "hHiggs", "", nbin, start, end );

// Filling the histograms

// Building the Histo dataset and the HistPdf
  RooRealVar massVar ( "massVar", "", start, end );
  RooDataHist* dZtautau = new RooDataHist( "dZtautau", "", RooArgList( massVar ), hZtautau, 1. );
  RooDataHist* dZmumu = new RooDataHist( "dZmumu", "", RooArgList( massVar ), hZmumu, 1. );
  RooDataHist* dHiggs = new RooDataHist( "dHiggs", "", RooArgList( massVar ), hHiggs, 1. );
  RooHistPdf* pdf_Ztautau = new RooHistPdf ( "pdf_Ztautau", "", RooArgSet( massVar ), *dZtautau, 0 );
  RooHistPdf* pdf_Zmumu = new RooHistPdf ( "pdf_Zmumu", "", RooArgSet( massVar ), *dZmumu, 0 );
  RooHistPdf* pdf_Higgs = new RooHistPdf ( "pdf_Higgs", "", RooArgSet( massVar ), *dHiggs, 0 );

// Adding the pdf  
  RooRealVar n_Ztautau ( "n_Ztautau", "", hZtautau->Integral(), -100., 10000. );
  RooRealVar n_Zmumu ( "n_Zmumu", "", hZmumu->Integral(),-100., 10000. );
  RooRealVar n_Higgs ( "n_Higgs", "", hHiggs->Integral(),-100., 10000. );
  RooAddPdf* pdf_tot = 
    new RooAddPdf( "pdf_tot", "", RooArgList(*pdf_Ztautau, *pdf_Zmumu, *pdf_Higgs), RooArgList(n_Ztautau, n_Zmumu, n_Higgs) );

  // Retrieve dataset
  TH1F* hAll = new TH1F( "hAll", "", nbin, start, end );
RooDataHist* dAll = new RooDataHist( "dAll", "", RooArgList( massVar ), hAll, 1. );

  // Fit the dataset
  pdf_tot->fitTo( *dAll, "eqr" );

// Plot everybody
  TCanvas* c1 = new TCanvas( "c1", "", 800, 800 );
    RooPlot* frame1 = massVar.frame();
  dAll->plotOn( frame1 );
  pdf_tot->plotOn( frame1 );
     pdf_tot->plotOn( frame1, Components(*pdf_Zmumu), LineColor(6) );

but I get then that ‘Components’ and ‘LineColor’ are not known, I am puzzled because on the other hand all Pdf, Rooplot and other RooFit objects are well defined…

Do you have an idea of what I missed ?

Thanks in advance,



I have found out, for archives here is what I did:

using namespace RooFit;
pdf_tot->plotOn( frame1, RooFit::Components(*pdf_Zmumu), RooFit::LineColor(6) );

and that worked (for me),

