Complex polynomial evaluation

Hello, I am looking for a way to evaluate a complex polynomial value.
Is there anything already done in ROOT in this regards ?


I don’t think complex polynomials are supported yet.


Ok, I have figured out this issue yesterday only in scope of my research work…

I basically implemented a class extending from TF2 for drawing and stuffs.
I am now looking for using ROOT::Math::GSLMultiRootFinder
And additionally I am replacing z char (surrounded by special chars) by TComplex(x, y) with \bz regex

  TF2 *complex_plan = new TF2("complex_plan", "TComplex::Abs(TComplex(x, y))", -1, 1., -1, 1);

It would be great to find some more advanced features in general regarding complex numbers… @Axel @couet @moneta
Any prospects about matrix and complex calculations ? Some timeline maybe ?

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