Compilation problem on Os X Yosemite (related to FTGlyph.h)


I recently upgraded to Os X Yoesmite (10.10) and am trying to install ROOT. I obtained the latest patch release v6.02/02 from git following the instructions at I also re-installed XQuartz and updated xcode using

I have no problem compiling and running using cocoa graphics; however, I prefer X11 since it allows remote forwarding of graphics windows via ssh (also, I have a strong preference for focus-follows-mouse and as a result work much more efficiently in a pure X11 app). So I tried to compile an X11 version using

Note that the --disable-fink flag was necessary for the configure script to execute successfully. Compilation fails on the following line:

clang++ -O2 -DNDEBUG -m64 -std=c++11 -stdlib=libc++ -pipe -Wshadow -W -Wall -Woverloaded-virtual -fsigned-char -fno-common -Iinclude     -pthread -I/opt/local/include/freetype2 -I/Users/gchristian/packages/root-v6-02/graf3d/ftgl/inc -I/usr/X11/include -Wno-deprecated-declarations -o graf3d/ftgl/src/FTGlyph.o -c /Users/gchristian/packages/root-v6-02/graf3d/ftgl/src/FTGlyph.cxx

with the errors

/Users/gchristian/packages/root-v6-02/graf3d/ftgl/src/FTGlyph.cxx:4:1: error: use of undeclared identifier 'FTGlyph'
FTGlyph::FTGlyph( FT_GlyphSlot glyph, bool useList)
/Users/gchristian/packages/root-v6-02/graf3d/ftgl/src/FTGlyph.cxx:16:1: error: use of undeclared identifier 'FTGlyph'
/Users/gchristian/packages/root-v6-02/graf3d/ftgl/src/FTGlyph.cxx:16:11: error: expected the class name after '~' to name a destructor

I traced this to a problem with including the FTGlyph.h header file. In /opt/local/include/freetype2 there is a file called ftglyph.h, and since Os X is case-insensitive it is this file that gets pulled into FTGlyph.cxx rather than the local FTGlyph.h as intended. As a workaround, I tried re-naming FTGlyph.h to FTGlyph_header.h and replacing all instances where FTGlyph.h is #included. This results in successful compilation, but I get runtime errors when trying to draw anything; for example:

TH1F hst("hst", "", 100,0,1);


 *** Break *** segmentation violation
 Generating stack trace...
[invalid usage]: unrecognized option '-d'
Usage: atos [-p pid] [-o executable] [-f file] [-s slide | -l loadAddress] [-arch architecture] [-printHeader] [address ...]
 0x000000010564b59f in _ZN8TGX11TTF12RenderStringEiiN9TVirtualX9ETextModeE + 0x46f from /Users/gchristian/packages/root-5.34.24/lib/
[invalid usage]: unrecognized option '-d'
Usage: atos [-p pid] [-o executable] [-f file] [-s slide | -l loadAddress] [-arch architecture] [-printHeader] [address ...]
 0x00000001047321b5 in _ZN4TPad9PaintTextEddPKc + 0x65 from /Users/gchristian/packages/root-5.34.24/lib/
[invalid usage]: unrecognized option '-d'
Usage: atos [-p pid] [-o executable] [-f file] [-s slide | -l loadAddress] [-arch architecture] [-printHeader] [address ...]
 0x0000000104495741 in _ZN6TLatex7AnalyseEdd10TextSpec_tPKci + 0xbfe1 from /Users/gchristian/packages/root-5.34.24/lib/
[invalid usage]: unrecognized option '-d'
Usage: atos [-p pid] [-o executable] [-f file] [-s slide | -l loadAddress] [-arch architecture] [-printHeader] [address ...]
 0x0000000104497622 in _ZN6TLatex11PaintLatex1EddddPKc + 0x842 from /Users/gchristian/packages/root-5.34.24/lib/
[invalid usage]: unrecognized option '-d'
Usage: atos [-p pid] [-o executable] [-f file] [-s slide | -l loadAddress] [-arch architecture] [-printHeader] [address ...]
 0x0000000104496d9a in _ZN6TLatex10PaintLatexEddddPKc + 0x90a from /Users/gchristian/packages/root-5.34.24/lib/
[invalid usage]: unrecognized option '-d'
Usage: atos [-p pid] [-o executable] [-f file] [-s slide | -l loadAddress] [-arch architecture] [-printHeader] [address ...]
 0x000000010448073b in _ZN6TGaxis9PaintAxisEddddRdS0_RiPKcdb + 0x72bb from /Users/gchristian/packages/root-5.34.24/lib/
[invalid usage]: unrecognized option '-d'
Usage: atos [-p pid] [-o executable] [-f file] [-s slide | -l loadAddress] [-arch architecture] [-printHeader] [address ...]
 0x00000001063b5dc2 in _ZN12THistPainter9PaintAxisEb + 0x812 from /Users/gchristian/packages/root-5.34.24/lib/
[invalid usage]: unrecognized option '-d'
Usage: atos [-p pid] [-o executable] [-f file] [-s slide | -l loadAddress] [-arch architecture] [-printHeader] [address ...]
 0x00000001063b4c68 in _ZN12THistPainter5PaintEPKc + 0x798 from /Users/gchristian/packages/root-5.34.24/lib/
[invalid usage]: unrecognized option '-d'
Usage: atos [-p pid] [-o executable] [-f file] [-s slide | -l loadAddress] [-arch architecture] [-printHeader] [address ...]
 0x000000010472f4dd in _ZN4TPad13PaintModifiedEv + 0x29d from /Users/gchristian/packages/root-5.34.24/lib/
[invalid usage]: unrecognized option '-d'
Usage: atos [-p pid] [-o executable] [-f file] [-s slide | -l loadAddress] [-arch architecture] [-printHeader] [address ...]
 0x0000000104714779 in _ZN7TCanvas6UpdateEv + 0x159 from /Users/gchristian/packages/root-5.34.24/lib/
[invalid usage]: unrecognized option '-d'
Usage: atos [-p pid] [-o executable] [-f file] [-s slide | -l loadAddress] [-arch architecture] [-printHeader] [address ...]
 0x000000010201b874 in _ZN5TCint11ProcessLineEPKcPN12TInterpreter10EErrorCodeE + 0x174 from /Users/gchristian/packages/root-5.34.24/lib/
[invalid usage]: unrecognized option '-d'
Usage: atos [-p pid] [-o executable] [-f file] [-s slide | -l loadAddress] [-arch architecture] [-printHeader] [address ...]
 0x000000010201bd89 in _ZN5TCint16ProcessLineSynchEPKcPN12TInterpreter10EErrorCodeE + 0x79 from /Users/gchristian/packages/root-5.34.24/lib/
[invalid usage]: unrecognized option '-d'
Usage: atos [-p pid] [-o executable] [-f file] [-s slide | -l loadAddress] [-arch architecture] [-printHeader] [address ...]
 0x0000000102e560d5 in _ZN5TRint15HandleTermInputEv + 0x315 from /Users/gchristian/packages/root-5.34.24/lib/
[invalid usage]: unrecognized option '-d'
Usage: atos [-p pid] [-o executable] [-f file] [-s slide | -l loadAddress] [-arch architecture] [-printHeader] [address ...]
 0x0000000102055e69 in _ZN11TUnixSystem16CheckDescriptorsEv + 0x139 from /Users/gchristian/packages/root-5.34.24/lib/
[invalid usage]: unrecognized option '-d'
Usage: atos [-p pid] [-o executable] [-f file] [-s slide | -l loadAddress] [-arch architecture] [-printHeader] [address ...]
 0x0000000102055bd8 in _ZN11TUnixSystem16DispatchOneEventEb + 0x628 from /Users/gchristian/packages/root-5.34.24/lib/
[invalid usage]: unrecognized option '-d'
Usage: atos [-p pid] [-o executable] [-f file] [-s slide | -l loadAddress] [-arch architecture] [-printHeader] [address ...]
 0x0000000101fd7f9a in _ZN7TSystem9InnerLoopEv + 0x1a from /Users/gchristian/packages/root-5.34.24/lib/
[invalid usage]: unrecognized option '-d'
Usage: atos [-p pid] [-o executable] [-f file] [-s slide | -l loadAddress] [-arch architecture] [-printHeader] [address ...]
 0x0000000101fd7e97 in _ZN7TSystem3RunEv + 0x187 from /Users/gchristian/packages/root-5.34.24/lib/
[invalid usage]: unrecognized option '-d'
Usage: atos [-p pid] [-o executable] [-f file] [-s slide | -l loadAddress] [-arch architecture] [-printHeader] [address ...]
 0x0000000101f78214 in _ZN12TApplication3RunEb + 0x24 from /Users/gchristian/packages/root-5.34.24/lib/
[invalid usage]: unrecognized option '-d'
Usage: atos [-p pid] [-o executable] [-f file] [-s slide | -l loadAddress] [-arch architecture] [-printHeader] [address ...]
 0x0000000102e559af in _ZN5TRint3RunEb + 0x59f from /Users/gchristian/packages/root-5.34.24/lib/
[invalid usage]: unrecognized option '-d'
Usage: atos [-p pid] [-o executable] [-f file] [-s slide | -l loadAddress] [-arch architecture] [-printHeader] [address ...]
 0x0000000101f69e1f in main + 0x4f from /Users/gchristian/packages/root-5.34.24/bin/root.exe
[invalid usage]: unrecognized option '-d'
Usage: atos [-p pid] [-o executable] [-f file] [-s slide | -l loadAddress] [-arch architecture] [-printHeader] [address ...]
 0x00007fff9101c5c9 in start + 0x1 from /usr/lib/system/libdyld.dylib
Root > 

Note that I have also tried installing and running the latest release version of ROOT 5 (v5.34/24), with the same configure flags as v6.02, and this results in the same compilation errors (for the same reason), as well as the same runtime errors if I use my workaround solution to make it compile.

Any advice on how to get things running is appreciated.


you can try

./configure --all --disable-cocoa --disable-fink --enable-builtin-freetype

[quote=“couet”]you can try

./configure --all --disable-cocoa --disable-fink --enable-builtin-freetype[/quote]

Okay, that worked. Thank you!