Comparison of two histograms using Chi2Test function

Hello all

I trying to use Chi2Test function in order to compare two histograms. Before using in production I tried to play with the function but I am stuck when I compare two histograms representing gaussian distribution.

I have done the following test :

	TH2D FGHist("First guassian hist","First guassian hist",10,-2.0,2.0,10,-2.0,2.0) ;
	TH2D SGHist("Second guassian hist","Second guassian hist",10,-2.0,2.0,10,-2.0,2.0) ;
	double Error = 0.05 ;
	bool res = false ;
	FGHist.FillRandom("gaus",100000) ;
	SGHist.FillRandom("gaus",100000) ;
	res = CompareHisto(FGHist,SGHist,Error) ;

CompareHisto is simply calling the chi2test function with the following parameters:
Histo1.Chi2Test(&Histo2,“UU P”,pRes) ;

and I have the following result:

Chi2 = 97.601921, Prob = 0.520884, NDF = 99, igood = 0

I am very surprised, I was expecting a p-value much closer to 1.
I have a similar result with the kolmogorov test :

Kolmo Prob h1 = First guassian hist, sum1=100000
Kolmo Prob h2 = Second guassian hist, sum2=100000
Kolmo Probabil = 0.507416, Max Dist = 0.00368

I also tried to set the bincontent error (as example : ) but I got the same result.

SO, one of my coworker tells me to normalize histograms using the number of events :

	TH2D FGHist("First guassian hist","First guassian hist",10,-2.0,2.0,10,-2.0,2.0) ;
	TH2D SGHist("Second guassian hist","Second guassian hist",10,-2.0,2.0,10,-2.0,2.0) ;
	double Error = 0.05 ;
	bool res = false ;
	FGHist.FillRandom("gaus",100000) ;
	SGHist.FillRandom("gaus",100000) ;


	for (unsigned int i = 0 ;i< FGHist.GetNbinsX();i++) {
		for (unsigned int j = 0 ; j< SGHist.GetNbinsY();j++) {
			FGHist.SetBinError(i,j,sqrt(FGHist.GetBinContent(i,j))) ;
			SGHist.SetBinError(i,j,sqrt(SGHist.GetBinContent(i,j))) ;
	res = CompareHisto(FGHist,SGHist,Error) ;

Using this method I got the expected result for two histograms having the same distribution.

Then I tested this method on two histograms having different distributions but CHi2Test tells me that my histogram are still similar. For example:

TH2D FGHist("guassian hist","guassian hist",10,-1.0,1.0,10,-1.0,1.0) ;
	TH2D SGHist("uniform hist","uniform hist",10,-1.0,1.0,10,-1.0,1.0) ;
	double Error = 0.05 ;
	bool res = false ;
	FGHist.FillRandom("gaus",10000) ;
	SGHist.FillRandom("pol0",10000) ;
	for (unsigned int i = 0 ;i< FGHist.GetNbinsX();i++) {
		for (unsigned int j = 0 ; j< SGHist.GetNbinsY();j++) {
			FGHist.SetBinError(i,j,sqrt(FGHist.GetBinContent(i,j))) ;
			SGHist.SetBinError(i,j,sqrt(SGHist.GetBinContent(i,j))) ;
	res = CompareHisto(FGHist,SGHist,Error) ;

I have the following output:
Chi2 = 0.021500, Prob = 1, NDF = 99, igood = 3

I think this is really strange because both histograms have different distributions.

Could you please help me to understand what is wrong with my test ?
Thank you very much for your help

When performing a goodness of fit test, if you have two histograms drawn with the same distribution you expect a p-value uniformly distributed between 0 and 1.
You can reject the histogram compatibility hypothesis if you get a very small p-value (e.g. < 0.01).
A p-value of 0.5 is an indication that the histograms are compatibles.

Note that in case of low bin statistics the Chi2 test might not work properly. If you have the original un-binned data use them and perform a Kolmogorov-Smirnov or the AndersonDarling test.
Also in a recent version of ROOT, the AndersonDarlingTest, is provided for histograms.

Best Regards
