Chaning graph title with GUI

Hi ROOTers,

I was wondering if it is possible to change a graph/hist title using the ROOT GUI. Once a graph has been drawn I see I can access an ‘Edit Text’ function by right-clicking the title, but this function doesn’t let me edit/change the text.



One option is to open the editor (from the canvas menu view->editor) and then click on the graph and there you can edit/change the title (see the attached screenshot)
Or to right click on the graph and select “Set Title” in the popup menu.


Thanks, Bertrand.

This works well for a single graph/hist, but doesn’t work for THStack or TMultiGraph, since the title you’re changing is the title of the single graph/hist and not the stack. Is there a way to select the stack and change it in such a case?


You should change the title of the underlying histogram:


TMultiGraph graphics editor is not implemented yet.