Hi everyone
just a short question: Is it possible in root to change the scale within a plot from log scale to linear scale as shown in the plot attached?
thank you very much
best regards
create a first pad where you use log scales and a second (transparent pad or not) in linear scale.
I don’t understand that, what I want to do is, I want to have a scale which changes at some point from log to linear scale like the outer y-axis in the plot above. I don’t want to place one plot with a linear scale into another plot with a log scale. Or did I misunderstand you?
best regards
Right now you will be oblige to generate 2 plots. It is not possible to generate a coordinates space partly in linear scale and partly in log scale. An other approach could be to plot two pads next to each other (one in linear scale and one in linear scale). Then you will have to split your graphs in two pieces, or at least plot them twice and let the clipping erase the parts outside the pads.
canv.SetLogy(1) for log
canv.SetLogy(0) for linear
That’s right … but note this post is 10 years old …
Please avoid resurrecting such old post.