Can't display TGraphErrors plots correctly via Adobe Reader

I found why Adobe complains on Mac. You have NaNs in your data.
I found that (at least) ratio_mumu and ratio_error_mumu contain NaNs at least for the indices 0 1 and 2.
Also I see some incoherences in the drawing options you are using. In:

gr_mumu->Draw("AP0 same")

The option A means “draw the axis” and the option same would mean (that’s in fact an histogram option, not a graph one) do not draw them … so you have to choose … I guess you put same by mistake.

I do not know if that will solve your fill style issue on Windows but at least (the NaN issue) generates a wrong PDF file on Mac.

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Yes, same is a mistake, but it seems it doesn’t have any impact in my macro.
I force those NaNs to 0, and the plots display correctly on Windows (also on Mac). Also the short dashed line disappears in png file (although you never see it:-)).
But It’s just weird that those NaNs didn’t cause any problem on my Mac.
And adobe still can’t display 3004 option, I will try some other options anyway (3254 looks too crowded).
Thank you for solving this problem!

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