CANDLE/VIOLIN plot from TTree::Draw

tl;dr: Suppose you have multiple y values for the same x value in a TTree. Is there a way to get a CANDLE/VIOLIN of the y values at each x using TTree::Draw("y:x")?

Since TTree::Draw("y:x") creates a TGraph, the answer is “No” because a TGraph cannot be drawn as a CANDLE/VIOLIN. In fact, the output of TTree::Draw("y:x","","CANDLE") is two candles, one for y values and one for x values, which makes some sense.

OTOH, I was expecting TTree::Draw("y:x>>h(100,0,100,10,0,10)","","VIOLIN") to do the trick, since there is an histogramming step. Alas, that is not the case, even if the axes ranges now comply to the histogram specification.

That said, an ensuing gDirectory->Get("h")->Draw("CANDLE") works like a charm, so not all is lost.

So, all in all, I was wondering if this is all expected behaviour and if I am going about it in the most efficient way.

Not true you can create an histogram. See the doc.

TTree::Draw(“y:x >> H”)

Yes, a TH2 is created, but it is not displayed; what is displayed is the TGraph (with the axes of the histogram…) Perhaps I was not clear when writing my original post?

I think that my question can be phrased as:
Is it consistent/expected/intuitive that TTree::Draw(“y:x>>h”) displays a TGraph instead of the created TH2?

If you give a display option like box or lego or col or … any histogram display option you will get what you expect … you do not need " >> H" btw

Well, if I give it VIOLIN it doesn’t. I get a TGraph::Draw("L"):

Generates the histogram with >>H using the drawing option goff and then draw the histogram using violin

Not sure how to parse:

You cannot mean “ROOT generates […]” because that is falsified by the example I posted.

If you mean “The user should generate […]” then I still do not understand the logic through which TTree::Draw("y:x","","BOX") uses THistPainter (as you pointed out) but TTree::Draw("y:x","","VIOLIN") uses TGraphPainter.

Perhaps it is just that VIOLIN was forgotten in the this particular bit of TTreePlayer::DrawSelect logic as it is not handled earlier, together with optcandle.

I.e., instead of

if (opt.Contains("candle")) optcandle = kTRUE;

perhaps it could (should?) be

if (opt.Contains("candle") || opt.Contains("violin")) optcandle = kTRUE;


I am happy to make PRs instead of wasting time in the forums, but I want to make sure that I am not going against some design decision.

If T is the TTree and H an TH1F or TH1D you should do:

T->Draw("x:y>>H","", "goff");

The VIOLIN option is valid when you draw an histogram. It is ignored (actually it is taken as “L”) when you pass it to TTree::Draw()

You can also do (it is even simpler because H is not needed):

T->Draw("x:y","", "goff");

Dear Olivier,

Thank you for engaging. Unfortunately, all the aspects mentioned were already known from the outset.

I would appreciate a direct and clear answer to whether TTree::Draw("y:x","","VIOLIN") was meant to be displayed as a TGraph or if this line of code, instead of

if (opt.Contains("candle")) optcandle = kTRUE;

should be

if (opt.Contains("candle") || opt.Contains("violin")) optcandle = kTRUE;



Dear André,

May be I was not clear enough. Let me try to explain better.

There is two different options CANDLE, one for 2D histograms and one for trees/ntuples.

The later is based on the same mechanism as the parallel coordinates, in the sense you get one candle per variable you draw like you get one axis per variable with parallel coordinates.

The CANDLE option for histograms is based on bins and is described in details in the reference manual.

The option VIOLIN is a “friend option” of the CANDLE option for histograms. It is valid for 2D histograms only. When you pass it to TTree::Draw it is not interpreted. Only the “L” of VIOLIN is seen, which explains the line plot you get.

So if you want to get a VIOLIN plot from the 2D histogram produced by the TTree::Draw() command, you should proceed as I described previously.

For curiosity I applied the patch you suggested in TTreePlayer. All I get is a ROOT crash.


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