Bug in RooMinimizer contour change ErrorDef

Dear Root experts,

I faced pretty much the same issue as described here: Possible bug in RooMinimizer contour change ErrorDef and gets not restored

If calling the contour function multiple times, the error definition is screwed up but can be fixed by the mentioned bug fix. I still see the same part of the code in the current master version so I was wondering if this will be fixed in the future?

Thank you and cheers,

ROOT Version: 6.24.06

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Hi Philipp ,
and sorry for the high latency!

We need our RooFit experts @moneta and @jonas 's help, let’s ping them.


Hi Philipp,

Sorry the problem is still there, I have open a GitHub issue:

A workaround however exists, as described in the linked post, by resetting the error level doing:


Hi @moneta,
yes I know this workaround and it is working. But I spent one week of work to find this bug until I realised this is a known problem which is a bit frustrating. I just wanted to bring this up again to prevent other people from having the same trouble.
Thanks and cheers,

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