Batch Jobs and ROOT Version

Dear Experts,
For my analysis preservation I am using ROOT 6.26.10 in lxplus8, while running the scripts locally.
Could you please let me know how can I fix the same ROOT environment (i.e. ROOT 6.26.10) while submitting the jobs to HTCondor with requirements=“CentOS8” .

Best regards,

I do not know if you can submit also the rootlogon.C in a job to the HTCondor environment. If you can submit only one ROOT script you will need to make sure the script contains what you need now sitting in rootlogon.C.

Dear @couet ,
Sorry I couldn’t really follow the rootlogon.C file.
In my case I could submit the C++ Macros to the HTCondor. My scripts are working fine locally in ROOT 6.26.10 (lxplus8).
But when I submit the jobs to Condor by default it’s using ROOT 6.28.04, where the scripts failed to run with Error[#0] ERROR:Integration -- RooNumIntFactory::Init : libRooFitMore cannot be loaded. GSL integrators will not be available !.
This is being the reason I need to stick to the same ROOT version (6.26.10) while submitting the jobs to Condor.
Could you please let me know how can I do this?

Best regards,

Oh, it seems that Condor does not have the right version for your script. I do not know how to tell Condor to use a more recent version. As it is a GSL issue @moneta might help.

Dear @couet , Yes indeed. @moneta Could you please help with it?

Best regards,

Dear Experts,
Could you please respond to it?

Best regards,

Hi! So it seems the ROOT version you are using on Condor was built without mathmore, which is one component of ROOT with math algorithms that depend on GSL. You can run root-config --has-mathmore to check if the currently-sourced ROOT version was compiled for it.

So maybe the reason it doesn’t work is because you didn’t correctly configure your environment to use a ROOT build with mathmore?

By the way, do you get an error like this just before the error you quoted?

cling::DynamicLibraryManager::loadLibrary(): cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Anyway, I moved this post out of the RooFit topic because it’s a more general ROOT configuration problem (even though it was indeed RooFit that tried to use mathmore first). Maybe this post will get more attention in the more general ROOT topic where it belongs.

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