Bar chart in THistPainter (root 5.18)

Dear Rooters,

I had a problem when I wanted to draw a bar chart in ROOT 5.18:

I looked into the THistPainter, to remind myself of the various options. There I found in the section “Options supported for 1D histograms”

This option, however, does not have any effect in ROOT 5.18 even though the documentation says so.

TH1F f("f","F",100,0,100);

Only by chance I looked further down and discovered the description about the “BAR” and “HBAR” option.

Now I discovered that the problem does not seem to be there in ROOT 5.22.

Was there a problem in 5.18 which inhibited the usage of “B” or is the documentation not correct for that version?



You are right , The BAR option is not mentioned in the list of option here:
It is described later on.
That’s a bit confusing.
I will revisit this.

I have improved the THistPainter reference manual (svn trunk). It should appears soon online.