Dear ROOT friends,
Recently I had to make some plots in logx scale, normally in the range between 100 and 300, or between 100 and 600. The default behavior of ROOT (as far as I can tell) in such range and scale is to not draw any label (or just one), and a minimal number of ticks – two or three. I have copied below the code that I have written to overcome this logx problem, and I have a couple of questions:
Is this issue/feature known? If so, can somebody point me to the right commands?
If this issue isn’t known, or if it isn’t fixed yet, can somebody help me improving
the code below? For example, the tick sizes are not automatic.
Finally, I hope you can see in this image how my plots looks like by using the code below.
Thanks and best regards,
Float_t mhmin = 100;
Float_t mhmax = 300;
Float_t uxmin = canvas->GetUxmin();
Float_t uxmax = canvas->GetUxmax();
Float_t uymin = canvas->GetUymin();
if (canvas->GetLogx()) {
TLine tick;
for (Int_t i=100; i<=600; i+=10) {
if (i < mhmin || i > mhmax) continue;
Float_t xx = i;
if (canvas->GetLogy())
tick.DrawLine(xx, pow(10,uymin), xx, pow(10,uymin) + (i%100 == 0 ? 0.025 : 0.01));
tick.DrawLine(xx, uymin, xx, uymin + (i%100 == 0 ? 0.75 : 0.3));
// TLatex
Float_t ylatex = (canvas->GetLogy()) ? pow(10,uymin) - 0.02 : uymin - 0.75;
Float_t xbins[6] = {100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600};
while (mhmin > xbins[0]) xbins[0] += 10;
for (Int_t i=0; i<6; i++) {
if (xbins[i] < mhmin || xbins[i] > mhmax) continue;
TLatex* latex = new TLatex(xbins[i], ylatex, Form("%.0f", xbins[i]));
latex->SetTextAlign( 22);
latex->SetTextFont ( 42);
latex->SetTextSize (0.05);