I’d like to propose a few new member functions for various classes that would make our lives easier. I expect these will be rather easy to implement:
TH1::SetLineAndMarkerColor(Color_t color) which would set the color of both the line and the marker of a histogram. It is rather annoying to have to type
For point one the two methods you mention are inherited from TAttMarker and TAttLine. It is true that the color is the only attribute common to the TAttXXX classes. The is four of them: TAttMarkerTAttLineTAttFill and TAttText. TH1 inherits from all of them. Does that mean we will have to make all the 2 by 2 possible combinations ? and also the all the possible 3 by 3 combinations ? and one to set all of them in one go ? Would it not be easier to put in your code a method doing the setting you are asking for ?
For point two it is true that there is no AddPointError like we have SetPointError
Probably, but I feel like TAttFill and TAttText are used significantly less often than TAttMarker and TAttLine: almost each histogram with markers uses the lines for uncertainties, which have to have matching colors almost always. So maybe having only one combination (TAttMarker + TAttLine) is enough.
With by default: linecolor = markercolor = fillcolor = textcolor = -1
if one of the color is < 0 this method does not change the corresponding color if positive it set the color.
To do what you are looking for it will be enough to do: