2D TEfficiency object from several 1D TEfficiency ones

Dear experts,

I open this discussion because I want to build a 2D TEfficiency object in a way that is not possible by the current constructors (or I am not aware of it). Let’s say that I have several pairs of reconstructed/reconstructible events, so I could create several 1D TEfficiecy objets from these. Each is also associated with a variable (for example mass of a particle).
Is there a straightforward manner of building this 2D TEfficiency object from several 1D TEfficiency ones? Or should I do it by hand, filling it with the corresponding values?

Thanks in advance and apologies for taking you some time!



I guess @moneta can help you.

There is no automatic way for this, it should however be not difficult from the 1D objects get all the input pass and total 1D histograms, and then create 2 new 2D histograms from the 1D that you can pass as input for a TEfficiency 2D object.



This is the way I have proceeded to build the 2D TEfficiency object. I only wanted to check if this constructor was available as it might be useful. Thanks a lot for your answer!



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