[#0] ERROR:InputArguments -- RooAbsRealLValue::setBin

Dear Root/RooFit experts,
I’m trying to do a fit with roofit, using a convolution (RooFFTConvPdf) of a gaussian and a landau. The fit seems good and also the output numbers of the parameters seems so. But, while the mean of the gaussian is around 1000, if I look at the plot, I see that the pdf is peaked at around 700.
Probably this behavior is related with an error that appear during the fit procedure:

[#0] ERROR:InputArguments – RooAbsRealLValue::setBin(XMassSVFit) ERROR: bin index 110 is out of range (0,109)
[#0] ERROR:InputArguments – RooAbsRealLValue::setBin(XMassSVFit) ERROR: bin index 111 is out of range (0,109)
[#0] ERROR:InputArguments – RooAbsRealLValue::setBin(XMassSVFit) ERROR: bin index 112 is out of range (0,109)
[#0] ERROR:InputArguments – RooAbsRealLValue::setBin(XMassSVFit) ERROR: bin index 113 is out of range (0,109)

Do you know where the problem could be?



I face the same problem when I try to convolute two pdfs like this:

[code]mean = new RooRealVar(“mean”, “mean”, 120., 90., 150.);
sigma = new RooRealVar(“sigma”, “sigma”, 10., 0.01, 300);
alphabkg = new RooRealVar(“alphabkg”, “alphabkg”, 105., 0., 500.);
betabkg = new RooRealVar(“betabkg”, “betabkg”, 1, 0., 50.);

RooGaussModel *gauss = new RooGaussModel(“gauss”,“gaussian PDF”, *fX, *mean, *sigma);
RooGenericPdf tail = new RooGenericPdf(“tail”, “Power PDF”, "1e-20 + (@0 > @1)((@0)^(-@2))", RooArgList(*fX,*alphabkg,*betabkg));

RooFFTConvPdf *bgrfit1 = new RooFFTConvPdf(“gxp”,“PowerLaw (X) gauss”,*fX,*tail,*gauss) ;
fPar[0] = new RooRealVar(“norm”, “”, 200., 0., 1e+6);

bgrfit_ext = new RooExtendPdf(“fit”, “”, *bgrfit1, *fPar[0], “window”);


What could be the reason for this?
