Xrootd file with "RECREATE" results in "Tried to write on read only file"

If I try to open a file via an xrootd URL, with the option “RECREATE”, I get an error:

root [0] TFile* f=TFile::Open("root://fndca1.fnal.gov:1094/pnfs/fnal.gov/usr/minerva/scratch/users/rodriges/myfile3.root", "RECREATE")
170609 08:57:35 24500 Xrd: CheckErrorStatus: Server [fndca4a.fnal.gov:1094] declared: Tried to write on read only file.(error code: 3007)
170609 08:57:35 24500 Xrd: CheckErrorStatus: Server [fndca4a.fnal.gov:1094] declared: Tried to write on read only file.(error code: 3007)

If I replace “RECREATE” with “NEW”, the command works and I can write to the file. Is this the intended behaviour? It’s different to how regular TFiles on the local disk work.

I looked at the source of TNetXNGFile.cxx and I see:

else if (modestr == "RECREATE")               mode = OpenFlags::Delete;

If I add OpenFlags::Update to the open mode, “RECREATE” works fine, and I can write to the file.

Is there a bug, or am I misunderstanding something?


Looks like a bug.
Could you please specify the versions you are using {ROOT; local XRootD; remote XRooTD, if known)?

G Ganis

I got the problem with ROOT 5.34.05, 5.34.36 and 6.06.04. ‘query config version’ in xrdfs returns ‘dCache 2.13.35’

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