Xrdcp fails in uploading a directory

Dear Expert:

From linux.die.net/man/1/xrdcp I see that it supports directory to directory copy:

source: a local file, a local directory name suffixed by /, or an xrootd URL in the form of
The absolutepath can be a directory. In this case the -R option can be fully honored only on a standalone server.

destination: a local file, a local directory name suffixed by /, or an xrootd URL in the form
The absolutepath can be a directory. In this case the -R option, the the absolutepath must be a directory and all files are copied into this directory.

But the following test always fail:
[valtical00] /afs/cern.ch/user/q/qing > xrdcp -R /afs/cern.ch/user/q/qing/test/ root://valtical.cern.ch//localdisk/xrootd/testdir1/
Error writing to output server.==============| 100.00 % [60.0 MB/s]
Last server error 3005 (‘Unable to create /localdisk/xrootd/testdir1/tmp.txt; invalid suggested allocation size’)

[valtical00] /afs/cern.ch/user/q/qing > ls test
a.out kill2.pm kill.pm log_stat3 log_stat8 program_tobecheck_1.sh program_tobecheck_4.sh read.pm test2 test.cxx time
exe.sh kill3.pm kill.sh log_stat4 Makefile program_tobecheck_2.sh program_tobecheck_5.sh test test3 test.o tmp.txt
kill1.pm kill4.pm log_stat1 log_stat5 prepare.sh program_tobecheck_3.sh readout test1 test.cc test.sh

There is no problem in file to file copy:

[valtical00] /afs/cern.ch/user/q/qing > xrdcp /afs/cern.ch/user/q/qing/test/tmp.txt root://valtical.cern.ch//localdisk/xroo … ir/tmp.txt
[xrootd] Total 0.46 MB |====================| 100.00 % [inf MB/s]

Any idea?


This is an xrootd issue.
Can you please follow the indication in here


to get support about this issue?

             G. Ganis