WSL Build from source error: RInt.pcm is out of date \ cannot read module signature

How did you start the build (exact commad line)?

cmake -Dtesting=ON -Droottest=ON roottest -Dtmva-sofie=ON -Dbuiltin_xrootd=ON -DPython3_EXECUTABLE=python3 -DPython2_EXECUTABLE=python -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=../install ../root
 cmake --build . --target install

I got the following error

<<< cling interactive line includer >>>: fatal error: module file '/home/neel/Desktop/Root/build/lib/Rint.pcm' is out of date and needs to be rebuilt: could not read module signature
<<< cling interactive line includer >>>: note: imported by module 'MathCore' in '/home/neel/Desktop/Root/build/lib/MathCore.pcm'
Error: Module 'MathCore.pcm' failed to load.
Error: Error loading the default rootcling header files.
make[2]: *** [math/mathmore/CMakeFiles/G__MathMore.dir/build.make:130: math/mathmore/G__MathMore.cxx] Error 1
make[1]: *** [CMakeFiles/Makefile2:36652: math/mathmore/CMakeFiles/G__MathMore.dir/all] Error 2
make: *** [Makefile:163: all] Error 2

Getting a similar kind of error since recently on my Mac as well. Using a custom ROOT build that was working fine a week ago, but trying to run the root executable now results in the following error message (results in a segfault):

input_line_1:1:2: error: module 'Darwin' uses additional module map
      '/Applications/' used when the module was
#include <new>
input_line_1:1:2: note: imported by module 'std' in '/Users/ahmadh/biodynamo/build/third_party/root/lib/std.pcm'
Warning in cling::IncrementalParser::CheckABICompatibility():
  Failed to extract C++ standard library version.
Warning in cling::IncrementalParser::CheckABICompatibility():
  Possible C++ standard library mismatch, compiled with _LIBCPP_ABI_VERSION '1'
  Extraction of runtime standard library version was: ''
input_line_2:1:2: fatal error: module file '/Users/ahmadh/biodynamo/build/third_party/root/lib/std.pcm' is out of date and needs to be rebuilt
#include "cling/Interpreter/RuntimeUniverse.h"
input_line_2:1:2: note: imported by module 'Cling_Runtime_Extra' in '/Users/ahmadh/biodynamo/build/third_party/root/lib/Cling_Runtime_Extra.pcm'
input_line_2:1:2: note: imported by module 'Cling_Runtime' in '/Users/ahmadh/biodynamo/build/third_party/root/lib/Cling_Runtime.pcm'
Replaced symbol atexit cannot be found in JIT!
Replaced symbol at_quick_exit cannot be found in JIT!
<<< cling interactive line includer >>>: fatal error: module file '/Users/ahmadh/biodynamo/build/third_party/root/lib/Darwin.pcm' is out of date and needs to be rebuilt

I have the feeling something with the standard C++ libs has changed on my machine, but I am not aware of any updates. Perhaps something changed in the background

Edit: I haven’t tried rebuilding with deleting the *.pcm files yet, but it is strange to me that these PCM files got invalidated suddenly.

This looks like a different error on a different platform. Can you open a different thread to keep this one focused on the original problem?

Can you try:

cmake --build . --target clean 
cmake --build . --target install -- -j 1

Hello @pcanal I tried the solution provided by you but i am still facing that issue.
Can you suggest some other solution?

Hello @Neel_Shah

I think you are facing this open issue (C++ modules: dependency issue on out of date Rint.pcm · Issue #10271 · root-project/root · GitHub).
Which platform are you using it ?
@vvassilev do you know what is causing this ?


Hello @moneta
I am using Ubuntu 20.04.

This is pretty much my development platform and I do not encounter this problem.

Can you please start from scratch and send us:

  • The complete cmake command use to configure
  • The complete output of that cmake command
  • The complete output of building with cmake --build . --target install -- -j 1 (or simply make).

Hello @pcanal @moneta here are the outputs.

The complete cmake command use to configure

cmake -Dtesting=ON -Droottest=ON roottest -Dtmva-sofie=ON -Dbuiltin_xrootd=ON -DPython3_EXECUTABLE=python3 -DPython2_EXECUTABLE=python -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=../install ../root

The complete output of that cmake command

(base) neel@neel-ASUS-TUF-Gaming-A15-FA506QM-FA506QM:~/Desktop/Root/build$ cmake -Dtesting=ON -Droottest=ON roottest -Dtmva-sofie=ON -Dbuiltin_xrootd=ON -DPython3_EXECUTABLE=python3 -DPython2_EXECUTABLE=python -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=../install ../root
-- Detected ROOT_VERSION 6.27.01
-- Checking internet connectivity...
-- Yes
-- Looking for Python
-- Could NOT find Python2 (missing: Python2_EXECUTABLE Interpreter NumPy) (found version "2.7")
-- Found GCC. Major version 9, minor version 4
-- ROOT Platform: linux
-- ROOT Compiler: GNU 9.4.0
-- ROOT Processor: x86_64
-- ROOT Architecture: linuxx8664gcc
-- Build Type: 'Release' (flags = '-O3 -DNDEBUG')
-- Compiler Flags:  -std=c++14 -Wno-implicit-fallthrough -Wno-noexcept-type -pipe  -Wshadow -Wall -W -Woverloaded-virtual -fsigned-char -pthread -O3 -DNDEBUG
-- ROOT default compression algorithm: zlib
-- PyROOT will be built for version 3.7.6
-- Looking for ZLib
-- Looking for Freetype
-- Looking for PCRE
-- Building LZMA version 5.2.4 included in ROOT itself
-- Looking for X11
-- Could NOT find GIF (missing: GIF_LIBRARY GIF_INCLUDE_DIR) 
-- Building AfterImage library included in ROOT itself
-- Looking for GSL
-- Looking for OpenGL
-- Looking for GLEW
-- Looking for LibXml2
-- Looking for MySQL
-- Looking for FFTW3
-- Looking for CFITSIO
-- Downloading and building XROOTD version 5.5.1
-- Looking for libuuid
-- Looking for VDT
-- Looking for Protobuf
-- Cannot select cudnn without selecting cuda or tmva-gpu. Option is ignored
-- Looking for BLAS for optional parts of TMVA
-- Building LLVM in 'Release' mode.
-- Could NOT find Z3: Found unsuitable version "0.0.0", but required is at least "4.7.1" (found Z3_LIBRARIES-NOTFOUND)
-- Native target architecture is X86
-- Threads disabled.
-- Doxygen disabled.
-- Go bindings disabled.
-- OCaml bindings disabled.
-- LLVM host triple: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
-- LLVM default target triple: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
-- Building with -fPIC
-- Constructing LLVMBuild project information
-- Linker detection: GNU ld
-- Targeting X86
-- Targeting NVPTX
-- Clang version: 9.0.1
-- Cling version (from VERSION file): ROOT_1.0~dev
-- Cling will look for C++ headers in '/usr/include/c++/9:/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/c++/9:/usr/include/c++/9/backward' at runtime.
-- And then fallback to: 'x86_64-linux-gnu-g++-9'
-- Use SSL API VERSION 1.1 for civetweb
-- Requirements to enable distributed RDataFrame:
--     dataframe: required:ON, actual:ON
--     Python version: required:>=3.8, actual:3.7.6
-- Performing Test found_stdstringview
-- Performing Test found_stdstringview - Failed
-- Performing Test found_stdexpstringview
-- Performing Test found_stdexpstringview - Success
-- Performing Test found_stod_stringview
-- Performing Test found_stod_stringview - Failed
-- Performing Test found_stdapply
-- Performing Test found_stdapply - Failed
-- Performing Test found_stdinvoke
-- Performing Test found_stdinvoke - Failed
-- Performing Test found_stdindexsequence
-- Performing Test found_stdindexsequence - Success
-- 585/841 C++ tutorials have been activated.
-- 186/230 python tutorials have been activated.
-- Check for bitness: Found 64 bit architecture.
-- Scanning subdirectories for tests...
-- ROOT Configuration 

System          Linux-5.15.0-52-generic
Processor       8 core AMD Ryzen 9 5900HX with Radeon Graphics (x86_64)
Build type      Release
Install path    /home/neel/Desktop/Root/install
Compiler        GNU 9.4.0
Compiler flags:
C                -Wno-implicit-fallthrough -pipe -Wall -W -pthread -O3 -DNDEBUG
C++              -std=c++14 -Wno-implicit-fallthrough -Wno-noexcept-type -pipe  -Wshadow -Wall -W -Woverloaded-virtual -fsigned-char -pthread -O3 -DNDEBUG
Linker flags:
Executable       -rdynamic
Shared           -Wl,--no-undefined -Wl,--hash-style="both"

-- Enabled support for:  asimage builtin_afterimage builtin_clang builtin_cling builtin_gl2ps builtin_llvm builtin_lz4 builtin_lzma builtin_nlohmannjson builtin_openui5 builtin_tbb builtin_xrootd builtin_xxhash builtin_zstd clad dataframe exceptions fftw3 fitsio gdml http imt mathmore mlp minuit2 mysql opengl pyroot roofit rpath runtime_cxxmodules shared ssl tmva tmva-cpu tmva-sofie tmva-pymva spectrum vdt x11 xml xrootd
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: /home/neel/Desktop/Root/build

The complete output of building with cmake --build . --target install -- -j 1 (or simply make).

(base) neel@neel-ASUS-TUF-Gaming-A15-FA506QM-FA506QM:~/Desktop/Root/build$ cmake --build . --target install -- -j 1
[  0%] Built target TBB
[  0%] Built target AFTERIMAGE
[  0%] Built target move_header_roofit_hs3
[  0%] Built target copymodulemap
[  0%] Built target builtin_nlohmann_json_incl
[  0%] Built target xxhash
[  1%] Built target zstd
[  1%] Built target lz4
[  1%] Built target XROOTD
[  1%] Built target move_header_core_clib
[  1%] Built target move_header_core_clingutils
[  2%] Built target move_header_core_cont
[  2%] Built target move_header_core_foundation
[  2%] Built target move_header_core_gui
[  2%] Built target move_header_core_meta
[  2%] Built target move_header_core_multiproc
[  2%] Built target move_header_core_rint
[  2%] Built target move_header_core_textinput
[  3%] Built target move_header_core_thread
[  3%] Built target move_header_core_imt
[  3%] Built target move_header_core_zip
[  3%] Built target move_header_core_lzma
[  3%] Built target move_header_core_lz4
[  3%] Built target move_header_core_zstd
[  3%] Built target move_header_core_newdelete
[  4%] Built target move_header_core_base
[  4%] Built target move_header_core_unix
[  5%] Built target move_header_math_mathcore
[  5%] Built target move_header_math_mathmore
[  5%] Built target move_header_math_matrix
[  5%] Built target move_header_math_minuit
[  6%] Built target move_header_math_minuit2
[  6%] Built target move_header_math_fumili
[  7%] Built target move_header_math_physics
[  7%] Built target move_header_math_mlp
[  7%] Built target move_header_math_quadp
[  7%] Built target move_header_math_foam
[  7%] Built target move_header_math_smatrix
[  7%] Built target move_header_math_splot
[  8%] Built target move_header_math_genvector
[  8%] Built target move_header_math_genetic
[  8%] Built target move_header_math_fftw
[  8%] Built target move_header_math_vecops
[  9%] Built target move_header_hist_hist
[  9%] Built target move_header_hist_histpainter
[  9%] Built target move_header_hist_spectrum
[  9%] Built target move_header_hist_spectrumpainter
[  9%] Built target move_header_hist_unfold
[ 10%] Built target move_header_tree_tree
[ 10%] Built target move_header_tree_treeplayer
[ 10%] Built target move_header_tree_treeviewer
[ 10%] Built target move_header_tree_dataframe
[ 12%] Built target move_header_io_io
[ 12%] Built target move_header_io_sql
[ 12%] Built target move_header_io_xml
[ 12%] Built target move_header_io_xmlparser
[ 12%] Built target move_header_net_net
[ 12%] Built target move_header_net_auth
[ 12%] Built target move_header_net_netxng
[ 12%] Built target move_header_net_http
[ 12%] Built target move_header_net_httpsniff
[ 13%] Built target move_header_graf2d_gpad
[ 13%] Built target move_header_graf2d_graf
[ 13%] Built target move_header_graf2d_postscript
[ 13%] Built target move_header_graf2d_x11
[ 13%] Built target move_header_graf2d_x11ttf
[ 13%] Built target move_header_graf2d_asimage
[ 13%] Built target move_header_graf2d_fitsio
[ 13%] Built target move_header_graf3d_g3d
[ 13%] Built target move_header_graf3d_x3d
[ 13%] Built target move_header_graf3d_csg
[ 13%] Built target move_header_graf3d_rglew
[ 14%] Built target move_header_graf3d_eve
[ 15%] Built target move_header_graf3d_gl
[ 15%] Built target move_header_graf3d_gviz3d
[ 16%] Built target move_header_gui_gui
[ 16%] Built target move_header_gui_ged
[ 16%] Built target move_header_gui_fitpanel
[ 16%] Built target move_header_gui_guibuilder
[ 16%] Built target move_header_gui_guihtml
[ 16%] Built target move_header_gui_recorder
[ 16%] Built target move_header_gui_sessionviewer
[ 17%] Built target move_header_proof_proof
[ 17%] Built target move_header_proof_proofplayer
[ 17%] Built target move_header_proof_proofbench
[ 17%] Built target move_header_html
[ 17%] Built target move_header_montecarlo_eg
[ 17%] Built target move_header_geom_geom
[ 17%] Built target move_header_geom_geombuilder
[ 17%] Built target move_header_geom_geompainter
[ 17%] Built target move_header_geom_gdml
[ 17%] Built target move_header_bindings_tpython
[ 17%] Built target move_header_sql_mysql
[ 19%] Built target move_header_tmva_tmva
[ 19%] Built target move_header_tmva_tmvagui
[ 19%] Built target move_header_tmva_pymva
[ 20%] Built target move_header_tmva_sofie
[ 20%] Built target move_header_tmva_sofie_parsers
[ 20%] Built target move_header_roofit_batchcompute
[ 23%] Built target move_header_roofit_roofitcore
[ 24%] Built target move_header_roofit_roofit
[ 24%] Built target move_header_roofit_roofitmore
[ 24%] Built target move_header_roofit_roostats
[ 24%] Built target move_header_roofit_histfactory
[ 24%] Built target move_header_roofit_RDataFrameHelpers
[ 24%] Built target move_headers
[ 24%] Built target RootPcmObjs
[ 24%] Built target Unix
[ 24%] Built target LZMA
[ 24%] Built target obj.clang-tblgen
[ 24%] Built target LLVMDemangle
[ 25%] Built target LLVMSupport
[ 25%] Built target LLVMTableGen
[ 25%] Built target clang-tblgen
[ 25%] Built target ClangSACheckers
[ 25%] Built target ClangAttrImpl
[ 25%] Built target StmtDataCollectors
[ 25%] Built target ClangCommentHTMLTags
[ 25%] Built target ClangAttrClasses
[ 25%] Built target ClangCommentHTMLTagsProperties
[ 25%] Built target ClangAttrVisitor
[ 25%] Built target ClangAttrTextDump
[ 25%] Built target ClangCommentNodes
[ 25%] Built target ClangDeclNodes
[ 25%] Built target ClangAttrTraverse
[ 25%] Built target ClangCommentHTMLNamedCharacterReferences
[ 25%] Built target ClangStmtNodes
[ 25%] Built target ClangCommentCommandInfo
[ 25%] Built target ClangCommentCommandList
[ 25%] Built target ClangARMFP16
[ 25%] Built target ClangARMNeon
[ 25%] Built target ClangAttrHasAttributeImpl
[ 25%] Built target ClangAttrSubjectMatchRuleList
[ 25%] Built target ClangAttrList
[ 25%] Built target ClangDiagnosticIndexName
[ 25%] Built target ClangDiagnosticAnalysis
[ 25%] Built target ClangDiagnosticAST
[ 25%] Built target ClangDiagnosticComment
[ 25%] Built target ClangDiagnosticCrossTU
[ 25%] Built target ClangDiagnosticCommon
[ 25%] Built target ClangDiagnosticDriver
[ 25%] Built target ClangDiagnosticLex
[ 25%] Built target ClangDiagnosticParse
[ 25%] Built target ClangDiagnosticRefactoring
[ 25%] Built target ClangDiagnosticSema
[ 25%] Built target ClangDiagnosticFrontend
[ 25%] Built target ClangDiagnosticSerialization
[ 25%] Built target ClangDiagnosticGroups
[ 25%] Built target ClangAttrSubMatchRulesParserStringSwitches
[ 25%] Built target ClangAttrParserStringSwitches
[ 25%] Built target ClangAttrParsedAttrList
[ 25%] Built target ClangAttrSpellingListIndex
[ 26%] Built target ClangAttrParsedAttrKinds
[ 26%] Built target ClangAttrParsedAttrImpl
[ 26%] Built target ClangAttrTemplateInstantiate
[ 26%] Built target ClangAttrPCHWrite
[ 26%] Built target ClangAttrPCHRead
[ 26%] Built target clang-tablegen-targets
[ 26%] Built target ClangOpenCLBuiltinsImpl
[ 27%] Built target obj.llvm-tblgen
[ 27%] Built target llvm-tblgen
[ 27%] Built target intrinsics_gen
[ 27%] Built target clang-headers
[ 27%] Built target obj.clingUtils
[ 27%] Built target clingUtils
[ 29%] Built target clang-resource-headers
[ 29%] Built target clang-cmake-exports
[ 29%] Built target obj.clangSema
[ 29%] Built target clangSema
[ 29%] Built target ClangDriverOptions
[ 29%] Updating cling-compiledata.h
[ 29%] Updating cling-compiledata.h
[ 29%] Built target obj.clingInterpreter
[ 29%] Built target clingInterpreter
[ 29%] Built target obj.clingMetaProcessor
[ 29%] Built target clingMetaProcessor
[ 29%] Built target CLING
[ 29%] Generating ../include/RGitCommit.h
[ 29%] Built target gitcommit
[ 29%] Built target rconfigure
[ 29%] Generating ../ginclude/RGitCommit.h
[ 29%] Generating ../ginclude/RGitCommit.h
[ 29%] Built target BaseTROOT
[ 29%] Built target Foundation_Stage1
[ 29%] Built target AttributeCompatFuncTableGen
[ 29%] Built target LLVMCore
[ 29%] Built target LLVMIRReader
[ 31%] Built target LLVMCodeGen
[ 31%] Built target LLVMSelectionDAG
[ 31%] Built target LLVMAsmPrinter
[ 31%] Built target LLVMGlobalISel
[ 31%] Built target LLVMBinaryFormat
[ 31%] Built target LLVMBitReader
[ 31%] Built target LLVMBitWriter
[ 31%] Built target LLVMBitstreamReader
[ 32%] Built target LLVMTransformUtils
[ 32%] Built target LLVMInstrumentation
[ 32%] Built target LLVMAggressiveInstCombine
[ 32%] Built target InstCombineTableGen
[ 34%] Built target LLVMInstCombine
[ 35%] Built target LLVMScalarOpts
[ 35%] Built target LLVMipo
[ 35%] Built target LLVMVectorize
[ 35%] Built target LLVMObjCARCOpts
[ 35%] Built target LLVMCoroutines
[ 35%] Built target LLVMLinker
[ 36%] Built target LLVMAnalysis
[ 36%] Generating VCSRevision.h
[ 36%] Built target llvm_vcsrevision_h
[ 36%] Built target LLVMLTO
[ 36%] Built target LLVMMC
[ 36%] Built target LLVMMCParser
[ 36%] Built target LLVMMCDisassembler
[ 36%] Built target LLVMObject
[ 36%] Built target LLVMOption
[ 36%] Built target LLVMRemarks
[ 36%] Built target LLVMDebugInfoDWARF
[ 36%] Built target LLVMDebugInfoMSF
[ 37%] Built target LLVMDebugInfoCodeView
[ 37%] Built target LLVMExecutionEngine
[ 37%] Built target LLVMJITLink
[ 37%] Built target LLVMPasses
[ 37%] Built target LLVMTarget
[ 37%] Built target LLVMAsmParser
[ 37%] Built target LLVMProfileData
[ 37%] Built target LLVMOrcJIT
[ 37%] Built target LLVMRuntimeDyld
[ 38%] Built target X86CommonTableGen
[ 38%] Built target LLVMX86CodeGen
[ 38%] Built target LLVMX86AsmParser
[ 38%] Built target LLVMX86Disassembler
[ 39%] Built target LLVMX86Desc
[ 39%] Built target LLVMX86Info
[ 39%] Built target LLVMX86Utils
[ 39%] Built target NVPTXCommonTableGen
[ 39%] Built target LLVMNVPTXCodeGen
[ 39%] Built target LLVMNVPTXDesc
[ 39%] Built target LLVMNVPTXInfo
[ 39%] Built target LLVMCoverage
[ 39%] Built target obj.clangBasic
[ 39%] Built target clangBasic
[ 39%] Built target obj.clangLex
[ 39%] Built target clangLex
[ 39%] Built target obj.clangParse
[ 39%] Built target clangParse
[ 39%] Built target obj.clangAST
[ 39%] Built target clangAST
[ 39%] Built target obj.clangASTMatchers
[ 39%] Built target clangASTMatchers
[ 39%] Built target obj.clangCodeGen
[ 39%] Built target clangCodeGen
[ 40%] Built target obj.clangAnalysis
[ 40%] Built target clangAnalysis
[ 40%] Built target obj.clangEdit
[ 40%] Built target clangEdit
[ 40%] Built target obj.clangRewrite
[ 40%] Built target clangRewrite
[ 40%] Built target obj.clangDriver
[ 40%] Built target clangDriver
[ 41%] Built target obj.clangSerialization
[ 41%] Built target clangSerialization
[ 42%] Built target obj.clangFrontend
[ 42%] Built target clangFrontend
[ 42%] Built target obj.clangRewriteFrontend
[ 42%] Built target clangRewriteFrontend
[ 42%] Built target Clib
[ 42%] Built target LLVMRES
[ 42%] Built target ClingUtils
[ 43%] Built target Dictgen
[ 45%] Built target rootcling_stage1
[ 45%] Generating G__Core.cxx, ../lib/Core.pcm
[ 45%] Building CXX object core/CMakeFiles/G__Core.dir/G__Core.cxx.o
[ 45%] Built target G__Core
[ 45%] Built target Cont
[ 45%] Built target Foundation
[ 45%] Built target GuiCore
[ 46%] Built target Meta
[ 46%] Built target TextInput
[ 46%] Built target Zip
[ 46%] Built target Lzma
[ 46%] Built target Lz4
[ 46%] Built target Zstd
[ 46%] Built target Base
[ 46%] Linking CXX shared library ../lib/
[ 46%] Built target Core
[ 46%] Generating G__Thread.cxx, ../../lib/Thread.pcm
Scanning dependencies of target G__Thread
[ 46%] Building CXX object core/thread/CMakeFiles/G__Thread.dir/G__Thread.cxx.o
[ 46%] Built target G__Thread
[ 46%] Linking CXX shared library ../../lib/
[ 46%] Built target Thread
[ 46%] Generating G__RIO.cxx, ../../lib/RIO.pcm
Scanning dependencies of target G__RIO
[ 46%] Building CXX object io/io/CMakeFiles/G__RIO.dir/G__RIO.cxx.o
[ 46%] Built target G__RIO
[ 46%] Linking CXX shared library ../../lib/
[ 46%] Built target RIO
[ 46%] Generating G__complexDict.cxx, ../../lib/libcomplexDict.rootmap
Scanning dependencies of target G__complexDict
[ 46%] Building CXX object core/clingutils/CMakeFiles/G__complexDict.dir/G__complexDict.cxx.o
[ 46%] Built target G__complexDict
[ 46%] Linking CXX shared library ../../lib/
[ 46%] Built target complexDict
[ 46%] Built target MetaCling
[ 46%] Built target clad
[ 46%] Built target Cling
[ 46%] Linking CXX executable ../bin/rootcling
[ 46%] Built target rootcling
[ 46%] Generating G__RooFitHS3.cxx, ../../lib/RooFitHS3.pcm
Scanning dependencies of target G__RooFitHS3
[ 46%] Building CXX object roofit/hs3/CMakeFiles/G__RooFitHS3.dir/G__RooFitHS3.cxx.o
[ 46%] Built target G__RooFitHS3
[ 46%] Generating G__Net.cxx, ../../lib/Net.pcm
Scanning dependencies of target G__Net
[ 46%] Building CXX object net/net/CMakeFiles/G__Net.dir/G__Net.cxx.o
[ 46%] Built target G__Net
[ 46%] Linking CXX shared library ../../lib/
[ 46%] Built target Net
[ 46%] Generating G__MultiProc.cxx, ../../lib/MultiProc.pcm
Scanning dependencies of target G__MultiProc
[ 46%] Building CXX object core/multiproc/CMakeFiles/G__MultiProc.dir/G__MultiProc.cxx.o
[ 46%] Built target G__MultiProc
[ 46%] Linking CXX shared library ../../lib/
[ 47%] Built target MultiProc
[ 47%] Generating G__Imt.cxx, ../../lib/Imt.pcm
Scanning dependencies of target G__Imt
[ 47%] Building CXX object core/imt/CMakeFiles/G__Imt.dir/G__Imt.cxx.o
[ 47%] Built target G__Imt
[ 47%] Linking CXX shared library ../../lib/
[ 47%] Built target Imt
[ 47%] Generating G__MathCore.cxx, ../../lib/MathCore.pcm
Scanning dependencies of target G__MathCore
[ 47%] Building CXX object math/mathcore/CMakeFiles/G__MathCore.dir/G__MathCore.cxx.o
[ 47%] Built target G__MathCore
[ 47%] Linking CXX shared library ../../lib/
[ 48%] Built target MathCore
[ 48%] Generating G__Matrix.cxx, ../../lib/Matrix.pcm
Scanning dependencies of target G__Matrix
[ 48%] Building CXX object math/matrix/CMakeFiles/G__Matrix.dir/G__Matrix.cxx.o
[ 48%] Built target G__Matrix
[ 48%] Linking CXX shared library ../../lib/
[ 48%] Built target Matrix
[ 48%] Built target mathtext
[ 48%] Generating G__Hist.cxx, ../../lib/Hist.pcm
Scanning dependencies of target G__Hist
[ 48%] Building CXX object hist/hist/CMakeFiles/G__Hist.dir/G__Hist.cxx.o
[ 48%] Built target G__Hist
[ 48%] Linking CXX shared library ../../lib/
[ 49%] Built target Hist
[ 49%] Generating G__Graf.cxx, ../../lib/Graf.pcm
Scanning dependencies of target G__Graf
[ 49%] Building CXX object graf2d/graf/CMakeFiles/G__Graf.dir/G__Graf.cxx.o
[ 49%] Built target G__Graf
[ 49%] Linking CXX shared library ../../lib/
[ 50%] Built target Graf
[ 50%] Generating G__Minuit.cxx, ../../lib/Minuit.pcm
Scanning dependencies of target G__Minuit
[ 50%] Building CXX object math/minuit/CMakeFiles/G__Minuit.dir/G__Minuit.cxx.o
[ 50%] Built target G__Minuit
[ 50%] Linking CXX shared library ../../lib/
[ 50%] Built target Minuit
[ 50%] Generating G__Minuit2.cxx, ../../lib/Minuit2.pcm
Scanning dependencies of target G__Minuit2
[ 50%] Building CXX object math/minuit2/CMakeFiles/G__Minuit2.dir/G__Minuit2.cxx.o
[ 50%] Built target G__Minuit2
[ 50%] Linking CXX shared library ../../lib/
[ 50%] Built target Minuit2
[ 50%] Generating G__Foam.cxx, ../../lib/Foam.pcm
Scanning dependencies of target G__Foam
[ 50%] Building CXX object math/foam/CMakeFiles/G__Foam.dir/G__Foam.cxx.o
[ 50%] Built target G__Foam
[ 50%] Linking CXX shared library ../../lib/
[ 50%] Built target Foam
[ 50%] Generating G__Smatrix32.cxx, ../../lib/libSmatrix32.rootmap
Scanning dependencies of target G__Smatrix32
[ 50%] Building CXX object math/smatrix/CMakeFiles/G__Smatrix32.dir/G__Smatrix32.cxx.o
[ 50%] Built target G__Smatrix32
[ 50%] Generating G__Smatrix.cxx, ../../lib/Smatrix.pcm
Scanning dependencies of target G__Smatrix
[ 50%] Building CXX object math/smatrix/CMakeFiles/G__Smatrix.dir/G__Smatrix.cxx.o
[ 50%] Built target G__Smatrix
[ 50%] Linking CXX shared library ../../lib/
[ 50%] Built target Smatrix
[ 50%] Generating G__Tree.cxx, ../../lib/Tree.pcm
Scanning dependencies of target G__Tree
[ 50%] Building CXX object tree/tree/CMakeFiles/G__Tree.dir/G__Tree.cxx.o
[ 50%] Built target G__Tree
[ 50%] Linking CXX shared library ../../lib/
[ 51%] Built target Tree
[ 51%] Generating G__Gpad.cxx, ../../lib/Gpad.pcm
Scanning dependencies of target G__Gpad
[ 51%] Building CXX object graf2d/gpad/CMakeFiles/G__Gpad.dir/G__Gpad.cxx.o
[ 51%] Built target G__Gpad
[ 51%] Linking CXX shared library ../../lib/
[ 51%] Built target Gpad
[ 51%] Generating G__RooFitCore.cxx, ../../lib/RooFitCore.pcm
Scanning dependencies of target G__RooFitCore
[ 51%] Building CXX object roofit/roofitcore/CMakeFiles/G__RooFitCore.dir/G__RooFitCore.cxx.o
[ 51%] Built target G__RooFitCore
[ 51%] Linking CXX shared library ../../lib/
[ 51%] Built target RooBatchCompute
[ 51%] Linking CXX shared library ../../lib/
[ 51%] Built target RooFitCommon
[ 51%] Linking CXX shared library ../../lib/
[ 53%] Built target RooFitCore
[ 53%] Generating G__RooFit.cxx, ../../lib/RooFit.pcm
Scanning dependencies of target G__RooFit
[ 53%] Building CXX object roofit/roofit/CMakeFiles/G__RooFit.dir/G__RooFit.cxx.o
[ 53%] Built target G__RooFit
[ 53%] Linking CXX shared library ../../lib/
[ 54%] Built target RooFit
[ 54%] Generating G__RooStats.cxx, ../../lib/RooStats.pcm
Scanning dependencies of target G__RooStats
[ 54%] Building CXX object roofit/roostats/CMakeFiles/G__RooStats.dir/G__RooStats.cxx.o
[ 54%] Built target G__RooStats
[ 54%] Linking CXX shared library ../../lib/
[ 54%] Built target RooStats
[ 56%] Generating G__HistFactory.cxx, ../../lib/HistFactory.pcm
Scanning dependencies of target G__HistFactory
[ 56%] Building CXX object roofit/histfactory/CMakeFiles/G__HistFactory.dir/G__HistFactory.cxx.o
[ 56%] Built target G__HistFactory
[ 56%] Generating G__XMLParser.cxx, ../../lib/XMLParser.pcm
Scanning dependencies of target G__XMLParser
[ 56%] Building CXX object io/xmlparser/CMakeFiles/G__XMLParser.dir/G__XMLParser.cxx.o
[ 56%] Built target G__XMLParser
[ 56%] Linking CXX shared library ../../lib/
[ 56%] Built target XMLParser
[ 56%] Linking CXX shared library ../../lib/
[ 56%] Built target HistFactory
[ 56%] Linking CXX shared library ../../lib/
[ 56%] Built target RooFitHS3
[ 79%] Built target move_artifacts
[ 79%] Generating G__map2Dict.cxx, ../../lib/libmap2Dict.rootmap
Scanning dependencies of target G__map2Dict
[ 79%] Building CXX object core/clingutils/CMakeFiles/G__map2Dict.dir/G__map2Dict.cxx.o
[ 79%] Built target G__map2Dict
[ 79%] Linking CXX shared library ../../lib/
[ 79%] Built target map2Dict
[ 79%] Generating G__forward_listDict.cxx, ../../lib/libforward_listDict.rootmap
Scanning dependencies of target G__forward_listDict
[ 79%] Building CXX object core/clingutils/CMakeFiles/G__forward_listDict.dir/G__forward_listDict.cxx.o
[ 79%] Built target G__forward_listDict
[ 79%] Linking CXX shared library ../../lib/
[ 79%] Built target forward_listDict
[ 79%] Generating G__dequeDict.cxx, ../../lib/libdequeDict.rootmap
Scanning dependencies of target G__dequeDict
[ 79%] Building CXX object core/clingutils/CMakeFiles/G__dequeDict.dir/G__dequeDict.cxx.o
[ 79%] Built target G__dequeDict
[ 79%] Linking CXX shared library ../../lib/
[ 79%] Built target dequeDict
[ 79%] Generating G__vectorDict.cxx, ../../lib/libvectorDict.rootmap
Scanning dependencies of target G__vectorDict
[ 79%] Building CXX object core/clingutils/CMakeFiles/G__vectorDict.dir/G__vectorDict.cxx.o
[ 79%] Built target G__vectorDict
[ 79%] Linking CXX shared library ../../lib/
[ 79%] Built target vectorDict
[ 79%] Generating G__unordered_multimapDict.cxx, ../../lib/libunordered_multimapDict.rootmap
Scanning dependencies of target G__unordered_multimapDict
[ 79%] Building CXX object core/clingutils/CMakeFiles/G__unordered_multimapDict.dir/G__unordered_multimapDict.cxx.o
[ 79%] Built target G__unordered_multimapDict
[ 79%] Linking CXX shared library ../../lib/
[ 79%] Built target unordered_multimapDict
[ 79%] Generating G__valarrayDict.cxx, ../../lib/libvalarrayDict.rootmap
Scanning dependencies of target G__valarrayDict
[ 79%] Building CXX object core/clingutils/CMakeFiles/G__valarrayDict.dir/G__valarrayDict.cxx.o
[ 79%] Built target G__valarrayDict
[ 79%] Linking CXX shared library ../../lib/
[ 79%] Built target valarrayDict
[ 79%] Generating G__multimap2Dict.cxx, ../../lib/libmultimap2Dict.rootmap
Scanning dependencies of target G__multimap2Dict
[ 79%] Building CXX object core/clingutils/CMakeFiles/G__multimap2Dict.dir/G__multimap2Dict.cxx.o
[ 79%] Built target G__multimap2Dict
[ 79%] Linking CXX shared library ../../lib/
[ 79%] Built target multimap2Dict
[ 79%] Generating G__unordered_mapDict.cxx, ../../lib/libunordered_mapDict.rootmap
Scanning dependencies of target G__unordered_mapDict
[ 79%] Building CXX object core/clingutils/CMakeFiles/G__unordered_mapDict.dir/G__unordered_mapDict.cxx.o
[ 79%] Built target G__unordered_mapDict
[ 79%] Linking CXX shared library ../../lib/
[ 79%] Built target unordered_mapDict
[ 79%] Generating G__listDict.cxx, ../../lib/liblistDict.rootmap
Scanning dependencies of target G__listDict
[ 79%] Building CXX object core/clingutils/CMakeFiles/G__listDict.dir/G__listDict.cxx.o
[ 79%] Built target G__listDict
[ 79%] Linking CXX shared library ../../lib/
[ 79%] Built target listDict
[ 79%] Generating G__multimapDict.cxx, ../../lib/libmultimapDict.rootmap
Scanning dependencies of target G__multimapDict
[ 79%] Building CXX object core/clingutils/CMakeFiles/G__multimapDict.dir/G__multimapDict.cxx.o
[ 79%] Built target G__multimapDict
[ 79%] Linking CXX shared library ../../lib/
[ 79%] Built target multimapDict
[ 79%] Generating G__multisetDict.cxx, ../../lib/libmultisetDict.rootmap
Scanning dependencies of target G__multisetDict
[ 79%] Building CXX object core/clingutils/CMakeFiles/G__multisetDict.dir/G__multisetDict.cxx.o
[ 79%] Built target G__multisetDict
[ 79%] Linking CXX shared library ../../lib/
[ 79%] Built target multisetDict
[ 79%] Generating G__setDict.cxx, ../../lib/libsetDict.rootmap
Scanning dependencies of target G__setDict
[ 79%] Building CXX object core/clingutils/CMakeFiles/G__setDict.dir/G__setDict.cxx.o
[ 79%] Built target G__setDict
[ 79%] Linking CXX shared library ../../lib/
[ 79%] Built target setDict
[ 79%] Generating G__unordered_setDict.cxx, ../../lib/libunordered_setDict.rootmap
Scanning dependencies of target G__unordered_setDict
[ 79%] Building CXX object core/clingutils/CMakeFiles/G__unordered_setDict.dir/G__unordered_setDict.cxx.o
[ 79%] Built target G__unordered_setDict
[ 79%] Linking CXX shared library ../../lib/
[ 79%] Built target unordered_setDict
[ 79%] Generating G__mapDict.cxx, ../../lib/libmapDict.rootmap
Scanning dependencies of target G__mapDict
[ 79%] Building CXX object core/clingutils/CMakeFiles/G__mapDict.dir/G__mapDict.cxx.o
[ 79%] Built target G__mapDict
[ 79%] Linking CXX shared library ../../lib/
[ 79%] Built target mapDict
[ 79%] Generating G__unordered_multisetDict.cxx, ../../lib/libunordered_multisetDict.rootmap
Scanning dependencies of target G__unordered_multisetDict
[ 79%] Building CXX object core/clingutils/CMakeFiles/G__unordered_multisetDict.dir/G__unordered_multisetDict.cxx.o
[ 79%] Built target G__unordered_multisetDict
[ 79%] Linking CXX shared library ../../lib/
[ 79%] Built target unordered_multisetDict
[ 79%] Generating G__Rint.cxx, ../../lib/Rint.pcm
Scanning dependencies of target G__Rint
[ 79%] Building CXX object core/rint/CMakeFiles/G__Rint.dir/G__Rint.cxx.o
[ 79%] Built target G__Rint
[ 79%] Linking CXX shared library ../../lib/
[ 79%] Built target Rint
[ 79%] Generating G__MathMore.cxx, ../../lib/MathMore.pcm
<<< cling interactive line includer >>>: fatal error: module file '/home/neel/Desktop/Root/build/lib/Rint.pcm' is out of date and needs to be rebuilt: could not read module signature
<<< cling interactive line includer >>>: note: imported by module 'MathCore' in '/home/neel/Desktop/Root/build/lib/MathCore.pcm'
Error: Module 'MathCore.pcm' failed to load.
Error: Error loading the default rootcling header files.
make[2]: *** [math/mathmore/CMakeFiles/G__MathMore.dir/build.make:130: math/mathmore/G__MathMore.cxx] Error 1
make[1]: *** [CMakeFiles/Makefile2:36542: math/mathmore/CMakeFiles/G__MathMore.dir/all] Error 2
make: *** [Makefile:163: all] Error 2

Please let me know the issue and the solution for the error. Thanks a lot!

From the output is seems like you did not start from an empty directory but reconfigure/rebuild an existing directory. Please start against after deleting and creating the ~/Desktop/Root/build directory.

Hello @pcanal Here is the output of fresh build. Getting the same error

The complete cmake command use to configure

cmake -Dtesting=ON -Droottest=ON roottest -Dtmva-sofie=ON -Dbuiltin_xrootd=ON -DPython3_EXECUTABLE=python3 -DPython2_EXECUTABLE=python -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=../install ../root

The complete output of that cmake command

(base) neel@neel-ASUS-TUsF-Gaming-A15-FA506QM-FA506QM:~$ cd Desktop/Root/
(base) neel@neel-ASUS-TUF-Gaming-A15-FA506QM-FA506QM:~/Desktop/Root$ mkdir build
(base) neel@neel-ASUS-TUF-Gaming-A15-FA506QM-FA506QM:~/Desktop/Root$ cd build/
(base) neel@neel-ASUS-TUF-Gaming-A15-FA506QM-FA506QM:~/Desktop/Root/build$ cmake -Dtesting=ON -DLLVM_INCLUDE_TESTS=OFF -Droottest=ON roottest -Dtmva-sofie=ON -Dbuiltin_xrootd=ON -DPython3_EXECUTABLE=python3 -DPython2_EXECUTABLE=python -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=../install ../root
-- The C compiler identification is GNU 9.4.0
-- The CXX compiler identification is GNU 9.4.0
-- Check for working C compiler: /usr/bin/cc
-- Check for working C compiler: /usr/bin/cc -- works
-- Detecting C compiler ABI info
-- Detecting C compiler ABI info - done
-- Detecting C compile features
-- Detecting C compile features - done
-- Check for working CXX compiler: /usr/bin/c++
-- Check for working CXX compiler: /usr/bin/c++ -- works
-- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info
-- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info - done
-- Detecting CXX compile features
-- Detecting CXX compile features - done
-- Found Git: /usr/local/bin/git (found version "2.26.2")
-- Detected ROOT_VERSION 6.27.01
-- Checking internet connectivity...
-- Yes
-- Looking for Python
-- Found Python3: /home/neel/anaconda3/bin/python3.7 (found version "3.7.6") found components: Interpreter Development NumPy
-- Could NOT find Python2 (missing: Python2_EXECUTABLE Interpreter NumPy) (found version "2.7")
-- Found GCC. Major version 9, minor version 4
-- Looking for pthread.h
-- Looking for pthread.h - found
-- Performing Test CMAKE_HAVE_LIBC_PTHREAD - Failed
-- Looking for pthread_create in pthreads
-- Looking for pthread_create in pthreads - not found
-- Looking for pthread_create in pthread
-- Looking for pthread_create in pthread - found
-- Found Threads: TRUE  
-- Performing Test GLIBCXX_USE_CXX11_ABI
-- Performing Test GLIBCXX_USE_CXX11_ABI - Success
-- ROOT Platform: linux
-- ROOT Compiler: GNU 9.4.0
-- ROOT Processor: x86_64
-- ROOT Architecture: linuxx8664gcc
-- Build Type: 'Release' (flags = '-O3 -DNDEBUG')
-- Compiler Flags:  -std=c++14 -Wno-implicit-fallthrough -Wno-noexcept-type -pipe  -Wshadow -Wall -W -Woverloaded-virtual -fsigned-char -pthread -O3 -DNDEBUG
-- ROOT default compression algorithm: zlib
-- PyROOT will be built for version 3.7.6
-- Looking for ZLib
-- Found ZLIB: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (found version "1.2.11")
-- Looking for nlohmann/json.hpp
-- nlohmann/json.hpp not found. Switching on builtin_nlohmannjson option
-- Looking for Freetype
-- Found Freetype: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (found version "2.10.1")
-- Looking for PCRE
-- Found PCRE: /usr/include (found version "8.44")
-- Looking for LZMA
-- LZMA not found. Switching on builtin_lzma option
-- Building LZMA version 5.2.4 included in ROOT itself
-- Looking for xxHash
-- Could NOT find xxHash (missing: xxHash_LIBRARY xxHash_INCLUDE_DIR)
-- xxHash not found. Switching on builtin_xxhash option
-- Looking for ZSTD
-- ZSTD not found. Switching on builtin_zstd option
-- Performing Test CXX_FLAG_STD_CPLUSPLUS11
-- Performing Test CXX_FLAG_STD_CPLUSPLUS11 - Success
-- Performing Test C_FLAG_STD_C99
-- Performing Test C_FLAG_STD_C99 - Success
-- Performing Test C_FLAG_WALL
-- Performing Test C_FLAG_WALL - Success
-- Performing Test CXX_FLAG_WALL
-- Performing Test CXX_FLAG_WALL - Success
-- Performing Test C_FLAG_WEXTRA
-- Performing Test C_FLAG_WEXTRA - Success
-- Performing Test CXX_FLAG_WEXTRA
-- Performing Test CXX_FLAG_WEXTRA - Success
-- Performing Test C_FLAG_WUNDEF
-- Performing Test C_FLAG_WUNDEF - Success
-- Performing Test CXX_FLAG_WUNDEF
-- Performing Test CXX_FLAG_WUNDEF - Success
-- Performing Test C_FLAG_WSHADOW
-- Performing Test C_FLAG_WSHADOW - Success
-- Performing Test CXX_FLAG_WSHADOW
-- Performing Test CXX_FLAG_WSHADOW - Success
-- Performing Test C_FLAG_WCAST_ALIGN
-- Performing Test C_FLAG_WCAST_ALIGN - Success
-- Performing Test CXX_FLAG_WCAST_ALIGN
-- Performing Test CXX_FLAG_WCAST_ALIGN - Success
-- Performing Test C_FLAG_WCAST_QUAL
-- Performing Test C_FLAG_WCAST_QUAL - Success
-- Performing Test CXX_FLAG_WCAST_QUAL
-- Performing Test CXX_FLAG_WCAST_QUAL - Success
-- Performing Test C_FLAG_WSTRICT_PROTOTYPES - Success
-- Looking for LZ4
-- Could NOT find LZ4 (missing: LZ4_LIBRARY LZ4_INCLUDE_DIR)
-- LZ4 not found. Switching on builtin_lz4 option
-- Looking for X11
-- Found X11: /usr/include   
-- Looking for XOpenDisplay in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/;/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
-- Looking for XOpenDisplay in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/;/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ - found
-- Looking for gethostbyname
-- Looking for gethostbyname - found
-- Looking for connect
-- Looking for connect - found
-- Looking for remove
-- Looking for remove - found
-- Looking for shmat
-- Looking for shmat - found
-- X11_INCLUDE_DIR: /usr/include
-- X11_LIBRARIES: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/;/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
-- X11_Xpm_INCLUDE_PATH: /usr/include
-- X11_Xpm_LIB: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
-- X11_Xft_INCLUDE_PATH: /usr/include
-- X11_Xft_LIB: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
-- X11_Xext_INCLUDE_PATH: /usr/include
-- X11_Xext_LIB: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
-- Could NOT find GIF (missing: GIF_LIBRARY GIF_INCLUDE_DIR)
-- Found PNG: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (found version "1.6.37")
-- Found JPEG: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (found version "80")
-- Looking for AfterImage
-- AfterImage not found. Switching on builtin_afterimage option
-- Building AfterImage library included in ROOT itself
-- Looking for GSL
-- Found PkgConfig: /usr/bin/pkg-config (found version "0.29.1")
-- Found GSL: /usr/include (found suitable version "2.5", minimum required is "1.10")
-- Looking for OpenGL
-- Found OpenGL: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/   
-- Looking for GLEW
-- Found GLEW: /usr/include (found version "2.1.0")
-- Looking for gl2ps
-- Could NOT find gl2ps (missing: GL2PS_LIBRARY GL2PS_INCLUDE_DIR)
-- gl2ps not found. Switching on builtin_gl2ps option
-- Looking for LibXml2
-- Found LibXml2: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (found version "2.9.14")
-- Found OpenSSL: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (found version "1.1.1f")  
-- Looking for MySQL
-- Found MySQL: /usr/include/mysql  
-- Looking for Oracle
-- Oracle not found.
-- Oracle: You can specify includes: -DORACLE_PATH_INCLUDES=/usr/include/oracle/
--    currently found includes:
-- Oracle: You can specify libs: -DORACLE_PATH_LIB=/usr/lib/oracle/
-- Oracle not found. Switching off oracle option
-- Looking for PostgreSQL
-- Could NOT find PostgreSQL (missing: PostgreSQL_LIBRARY PostgreSQL_INCLUDE_DIR)
-- PostgreSQL not found. Switching off pgsql option
-- Looking for SQLite
-- SQLite not found. Switching off sqlite option
-- Looking for Pythia6
-- Pythia6 not found. Switching off pythia6 option
-- Looking for Pythia8
-- Could NOT find Pythia8 (missing: PYTHIA8_INCLUDE_DIR PYTHIA8_LIBRARY)
-- Pythia8 not found. Switching off pythia8 option
-- Looking for FFTW3
-- Found fftw3 includes at /usr/include
-- Found fftw3 library at /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
-- Looking for CFITSIO
-- Found CFITSIO: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (found version "3.47")
-- Downloading and building XROOTD version 5.5.1
-- GFAL library not found. Set variable GFAL_DIR to point to your gfal installation
                      and the variable SRM_IFCE_DIR to the srm_ifce installation
-- For the time being switching OFF 'gfal' option
-- Found FTGL: /usr/include  
-- Checking for module 'davix>=0.6.4'
--   No package 'davix' found
-- Looking for uuid_generate_random in uuid
-- Looking for uuid_generate_random in uuid - found
-- Found libuuid: /usr/include  
-- Davix dependencies not found, switching OFF 'davix' option.
-- Looking for libuuid
-- Looking for TBB
-- Could NOT find TBB (missing: TBB_ROOT_DIR TBB_INCLUDE_DIR) (Required is at least version "2018")
-- TBB not found, enabling 'builtin_tbb' option
-- Performing Test CXX_HAS_mno_rtm
-- Performing Test CXX_HAS_mno_rtm - Success
-- Looking for VDT
-- Found Vdt: /home/neel/Desktop/Root/install/include (found suitable version "0.4", minimum required is "0.4")
-- Looking for Protobuf
-- Found Protobuf: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/;-lpthread (found version "3.6.1")
-- Cannot select cudnn without selecting cuda or tmva-gpu. Option is ignored
-- Looking for BLAS for optional parts of TMVA
-- Looking for sgemm_
-- Looking for sgemm_ - not found
-- Looking for sgemm_
-- Looking for sgemm_ - found
-- Found BLAS: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/  
-- Performing Test ROOT_HAVE_CXX_ATOMICS_WITHOUT_LIB - Success
-- Building LLVM in 'Release' mode.
-- The ASM compiler identification is GNU
-- Found assembler: /usr/bin/cc
-- Could NOT find Z3: Found unsuitable version "0.0.0", but required is at least "4.7.1" (found Z3_LIBRARIES-NOTFOUND)
-- Looking for backtrace
-- Looking for backtrace - found
-- backtrace facility detected in default set of libraries
-- Found Backtrace: /usr/include  
-- Native target architecture is X86
-- Threads disabled.
-- Doxygen disabled.
-- Go bindings disabled.
-- OCaml bindings disabled.
-- Found Python module pygments
-- Found Python module pygments.lexers.c_cpp
-- Found Python module yaml
-- LLVM host triple: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
-- LLVM default target triple: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
-- Building with -fPIC
-- Found PythonInterp: /home/neel/anaconda3/bin/python3.7 (found version "3.7.6")
-- Constructing LLVMBuild project information
-- Linker detection: GNU ld
-- Targeting X86
-- Targeting NVPTX
-- Clang version: 9.0.1
-- Cling version (from VERSION file): ROOT_1.0~dev
-- Cling will look for C++ headers in '/usr/include/c++/9:/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/c++/9:/usr/include/c++/9/backward' at runtime.
-- And then fallback to: 'x86_64-linux-gnu-g++-9'
-- Performing Test CXX_HAS_fno_rtti
-- Performing Test CXX_HAS_fno_rtti - Success
-- Performing Test C_HAS_Wno_strict_overflow
-- Performing Test C_HAS_Wno_strict_overflow - Success
-- Performing Test C_HAS_Wno_maybe_uninitialized
-- Performing Test C_HAS_Wno_maybe_uninitialized - Success
-- Performing Test C_HAS_Wno_parentheses_equality
-- Performing Test C_HAS_Wno_parentheses_equality - Success
-- Looking for m
-- Looking for m - not found
-- Use SSL API VERSION 1.1 for civetweb
-- Performing Test GCC_HAS_BIDI_CHARS_FLAG
-- Performing Test GCC_HAS_BIDI_CHARS_FLAG - Failed
-- Requirements to enable distributed RDataFrame:
--     dataframe: required:ON, actual:ON
--     Python version: required:>=3.8, actual:3.7.6
-- Performing Test found_setresuid
-- Performing Test found_setresuid - Success
-- Performing Test found_stdstringview
-- Performing Test found_stdstringview - Failed
-- Performing Test found_stdexpstringview
-- Performing Test found_stdexpstringview - Success
-- Performing Test found_stod_stringview
-- Performing Test found_stod_stringview - Failed
-- Performing Test found_opplusequal_stringview
-- Performing Test found_opplusequal_stringview - Failed
-- Performing Test found_stdapply
-- Performing Test found_stdapply - Failed
-- Performing Test found_stdinvoke
-- Performing Test found_stdinvoke - Failed
-- Performing Test found_stdindexsequence
-- Performing Test found_stdindexsequence - Success
-- Performing Test found_attribute_always_inline
-- Performing Test found_attribute_always_inline - Success
-- Performing Test has_found_attribute_noinline
-- Performing Test has_found_attribute_noinline - Success
-- Performing Test found_hardware_interference_size
-- Performing Test found_hardware_interference_size - Failed
Running /home/neel/Desktop/Root/root/build/unix/
Making /home/neel/Desktop/Root/build/ginclude/compiledata.h
-- 585/841 C++ tutorials have been activated.
-- 186/230 python tutorials have been activated.
-- Check for bitness: Found 64 bit architecture.
-- Scanning subdirectories for tests...
-- Found py_pytest: /home/neel/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pytest  
-- ROOT Configuration

System          Linux-5.15.0-52-generic
Processor       8 core AMD Ryzen 9 5900HX with Radeon Graphics (x86_64)
Build type      Release
Install path    /home/neel/Desktop/Root/install
Compiler        GNU 9.4.0
Compiler flags:
C                -Wno-implicit-fallthrough -pipe -Wall -W -pthread -O3 -DNDEBUG
C++              -std=c++14 -Wno-implicit-fallthrough -Wno-noexcept-type -pipe  -Wshadow -Wall -W -Woverloaded-virtual -fsigned-char -pthread -O3 -DNDEBUG
Linker flags:
Executable       -rdynamic
Shared           -Wl,--no-undefined -Wl,--hash-style="both"

-- Enabled support for:  asimage builtin_afterimage builtin_clang builtin_cling builtin_gl2ps builtin_llvm builtin_lz4 builtin_lzma builtin_nlohmannjson builtin_openui5 builtin_tbb builtin_xrootd builtin_xxhash builtin_zstd clad dataframe exceptions fftw3 fitsio gdml http imt mathmore mlp minuit2 mysql opengl pyroot roofit rpath runtime_cxxmodules shared ssl tmva tmva-cpu tmva-sofie tmva-pymva spectrum vdt x11 xml xrootd
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: /home/neel/Desktop/Root/build

The complete output of building with cmake --build . --target install -- -j 1 (or simply make).

Please refer this google doc (Since Word limit is reached output cant be posted here):-

OUTPUT of Build - Google Docs


<<< cling interactive line includer >>>: fatal error: module file '/home/neel/Desktop/Root/build/lib/Rint.pcm' is out of date and needs to be rebuilt: could not read module signature
<<< cling interactive line includer >>>: note: imported by module 'MathCore' in '/home/neel/Desktop/Root/build/lib/MathCore.pcm'
Error: Module 'MathCore.pcm' failed to load.
Error: Error loading the default rootcling header files.
make[2]: *** [math/mathmore/CMakeFiles/G__MathMore.dir/build.make:130: math/mathmore/G__MathMore.cxx] Error 1
make[1]: *** [CMakeFiles/Makefile2:36538: math/mathmore/CMakeFiles/G__MathMore.dir/all] Error 2
make: *** [Makefile:163: all] Error 2
(base) neel@neel-ASUS-TUF-Gaming-A15-FA506QM-FA506QM:~/Desktop/Root/build$

Thanks, unfortunately nothing obvious :(.

What is the result of:

ls -lart lib/Rint.pcm lib/MathCore.pcm

in that build directory?

Hello @pcanal
The following is the output:-

(base) neel@neel-ASUS-TUF-Gaming-A15-FA506QM-FA506QM:~/Desktop/Root/build$ ls -lart lib/Rint.pcm lib/MathCore.pcm
-rw-rw-r-- 1 neel neel 11538356 Nov  9 23:43 lib/MathCore.pcm
-rw-rw-r-- 1 neel neel   428436 Nov  9 23:58 lib/Rint.pcm

lib/MathCore.pcm is older than lib/Rint.pcm

Hello @Wile_E_Coyote then what would be the possible solution?
@pcanal and @moneta let me know if you find some way to resolve this.


I noted Wile’s observation. It is a difference between your builds and mine. I am now trying to reproduce exactly the same build as yours. I will let you know when I find out more.

So my ‘gmake’ based build failed the exact same way as yours. However my ‘Ninja’ based build always succeeds. So while I am investigating you can work around the issue by using Ninja (apt install ninja-build and adding -G Ninja to the initial cmake configuration line.

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You can also work around the problem by building Rint first and then the rest of ROOT:

cmake --build . --target Rint
cmake --build . --target install

Hello @pcanal thankyou for the reply.
This solution works but after running this i am getting below error

  File "/home/neel/Desktop/Root/build/lib/ROOT/_pythonization/", line 253
    return v, *args[1:]
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

make[2]: *** [bindings/pyroot/pythonizations/CMakeFiles/ROOTPythonizations3_7.dir/build.make:603: lib/] Error 1
make[2]: *** Deleting file 'lib/'
make[1]: *** [CMakeFiles/Makefile2:43427: bindings/pyroot/pythonizations/CMakeFiles/ROOTPythonizations3_7.dir/all] Error 2
make: *** [Makefile:163: all] Error 2

Can you help with this?