Please read tips for efficient and successful posting and posting code
ROOT Version: 5.34/36
Platform: cygwin
Compiler: 10.2.0
Hi, this is slightly embarrassing because I seem to hit something really basic that I should know, but clearly I do not. This is my example:
void treeProblem() {
// define my tree with 2 ints
TTree *evnt = new TTree("eventData","event data");
int DAQdms, SELdms;
DAQdms = 0;
SELdms = 1;
evnt->Fill(); // there is one entry in evnt
TFile rootFile("pass1.root","recreate");
evnt->Write(); // write this out on pass1.root
DAQdms = 2;
SELdms = 3;
evnt->Fill(); // evnt has 2 entries now
TFile rootFile("pass2.root","recreate");
evnt->Write(); // write this out on pass2.root
The macro runs no problem and no errors. The data in pass1.root, when read out later, are correct. The data in pass2.root are corrupt.
If I comment all lines after the 1st evnt->Write(), and fire up a TBrowser, double clicking the leaves already shows junk.
The sample might appear stupid, but what I am trying to do is run on events for a long time, saving the Ttree in a different file after every (say) 10000 events, and have the complete stat in the last file.
I could (I think) accumulate 10000 events, save them, delete the TTree, start fresh a new one and so on, using TChain to read back all the files, but this appears silly.
What am I doing wrong? Can I keep my TTree accumulating correctly after each Write()?
Thank you!