Working with ROOT in Visual Studio


and sorry if I ask something obvious.
I would like to work with ROOT like with other multiplatform packages,
(say wxWindows or Qt), i.e. to work with ROOT classes, add my owns,
build up the logic of my program, use the debugger for controlling the app’s logic. I.e. I do not want to use makefiles, CINT, etc. Is this possible?

I found in the archive the question in thread

[quote]I am looking for VC++ 6.0 workspace and project description files for ROOT
2.25.03. Has anyone created these? These VC++ 6.0 workspace and project
description files would only be useful for people who are doing ROOT
I tried to follow the thread down to … #first_hit
and found

[quote] Hi H.-Gerd,
you can use the following correct files with included VisualStudio project file (mftest.dsw)

  1. download them to $ROOTSYS/test directory
  2. double click on mftest.dsw
  3. build and enjoy :wink:

HTH. Regards. Valeriy[/quote]

I downloaded the files but the “Build” remained disabled.
Deleted the .dsw file and started with the .dsp file. It only creates a wrapper around a makefile (i.e. NOT what I really want) and in addiditon
making a build results in the message

[quote]--------------------Configuration: mftest1 - Win32 Debug--------------------
Microsoft ® Program Maintenance Utility Version 6.00.8168.0
Copyright © Microsoft Corp 1988-1998. All rights reserved.
NMAKE : fatal error U1052: file ‘mftest.mak’ not found
Error executing NMAKE.

Is there any hint to make a .dsp file in which I could work with Visual Studio in its own style? (I could already create a .dsp file which finds all the needed libraries, but anyhow the linker is missing some kind of main() file. How can I provide one?)

Thanks for any help
