I have tried to install ROOT on Windows 11 and I want to use pyROOT, but I failed and this is my current error message in python:
RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\$VERSION\InstallationFolder): returned 2: SystÚm nem¨×e nalÚzt uvedenř soubor.
RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows Kits\Installed Roots\KitsRoot10): returned 2: SystÚm nem¨×e nalÚzt uvedenř soubor.
input_line_1:1:10: fatal error: 'new' file not found
#include <new>
Replaced symbol at_quick_exit cannot be found in JIT!
Replaced symbol __dllonexit cannot be found in JIT!
Replaced symbol _onexit cannot be found in JIT!
input_line_3:37:10: fatal error: 'string' file not found
#include <string>
input_line_8:1:10: fatal error: 'iostream' file not found
#include <iostream>
Traceback (most recent call last):
File ←[35m"<python-input-1>"←[0m, line ←[35m1←[0m, in ←[35m<module>←[0m
import ROOT
File ←[35m"C:\root_v6.32.06\bin\ROOT\__init__.py"←[0m, line ←[35m25←[0m, in ←[35m<module>←[0m
import cppyy
File ←[35m"C:\root_v6.32.06\bin\cppyy\__init__.py"←[0m, line ←[35m81←[0m, in ←[35m<module>←[0m
from ._cpython_cppyy import *
File ←[35m"C:\root_v6.32.06\bin\cppyy\_cpython_cppyy.py"←[0m, line ←[35m22←[0m, in ←[35m<module>←[0m
import libcppyy as _backend
←[1;35mImportError←[0m: ←[35mDLL load failed while importing libcppyy: Uvedený modul nebyl nalezen.←[0m
←[?25l←[?25l←[1;35m>>> ←[0m←[4D←[?25h←[4C←[?25l←[?25h
And ROOT errors here:
RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\$VERSION\InstallationFolder): returned 2:
RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows Kits\Installed Roots\KitsRoot10): returned 2: ►/JÄ~☺
input_line_1:1:10: fatal error: 'new' file not found
#include <new>
Replaced symbol at_quick_exit cannot be found in JIT!
Replaced symbol __dllonexit cannot be found in JIT!
Replaced symbol _onexit cannot be found in JIT!
input_line_3:37:10: fatal error: 'string' file not found
#include <string>
| Welcome to ROOT 6.32.06 |
| (c) 1995-2024, The ROOT Team; conception: R. Brun, F. Rademakers |
| Built for win64 on Sep 22 2024, 03:50:56 |
| From tags/v6-32-06@v6-32-06 |
| With MSVC 19.39.33521.0 |
| Try '.help'/'.?', '.demo', '.license', '.credits', '.quit'/'.q' |
input_line_7:1:10: fatal error: 'iostream' file not found
#include <iostream>
So how should I solve those problems and is there any exact step-by-step manual how to install?
ROOT Version: 6.32.06
Platform: Windows 11