Windows 11 silent uninstall CERNroot

I need to deploy CERNroot via Microsoft Autopilot / Intune. When deploying applications via Intune need to use silent install and uninstall commands.

For a silent installation this works root_v6.32.02.win64.vc17.exe /SP- /verysilent /suppressmsgboxes /norestart

however having issues when trying to trigger a silent uninstall

Are you aware or any switches that will silent uninstall CERNroot?

Thanks in advance


ROOT Version: v6-28-04
Platform: Windows 11

Welcome to the ROOT Forum!
And sorry, we have no experience with Microsoft Autopilot / Intune.

That fine, I know what I’m doing within Microsoft Autopilot / Intune.

What I’m after is the switches / options to trigger a silent uninstall via

Uninstall.exe is automatically generated by CPack & NSIS (Nullsoft Scriptable Install System), so maybe you can find more information with that…