I’m trying to write the fit parameters of a histogram to a file using TFitResultPtr as described in section 7.7.7 of this article. i.e.
TFitResultPtr r = hist->Fit(myFunction,"S");
TFile f("example.txt","create")
The article says that I can store the result in a file, but it doesn’t specify what kind of file I can store the result in. I’ve tried writing to a .txt file and a .dat file, but neither works. Printing r works just fine though. Can someone please help out?
Thanks. I tried a root file before, but opening the file directly just showed a bunch of blank pages. However, reading it through Root worked. By any chance, is there a way to store the information as a plain text file?
having forwarded the stdout to a text file like that:
TH1F* h1 = new TH1F("h1", "histo from a gaussian", 100, -3, 3);
h1->FillRandom("gaus", 10000);
TFitResultPtr r = h1->Fit("gaus", "S");
TFile* myFile = new TFile("myfile_04July2020.root", "RECREATE");
fstream fs;
fs.open("abcd.txt", ios::out);
string lin;
// Make a backup of stream buffer
streambuf* sb_cout = cout.rdbuf();
streambuf* sb_cin = cin.rdbuf();
// Get the file stream buffer
streambuf* sb_file = fs.rdbuf();
// Now cout will point to file
// everything printed after this line will go to the fs
// get the previous buffer from backup
// everything printed after this line will go to whereever it went before
delete h1;
delete myFile;