Warnings during building root and running macros

Dear all,
I shifted from ubuntu to Mac OS Monetary recently and I installed root-6.24.04 (from source using cmake) on my system. While building root I got several warning messages.Interestingly while building codes which have root dependency I get this message /Users/nibir/Physics/Software/root-6.24.04/ROOT_install/include/TSystem.h:269:22: warning: declaration shadows a variable in the global namespace [-Wshadow] enum EAclicMode { kDefault, kDebug, kOpt }; ^ /Users/nibir/Physics/Software/root-6.24.04/ROOT_install/include/TSystem.h:229:4: note: previous declaration is here kDefault, // default option (= 0) ^ In file included from /Users/nibir/Physics/PhD/GRAIN/smearcode/smearBeamMonitoring_SAND_v1.C:32: In file included from /Users/nibir/Physics/Software/root-6.24.04/ROOT_install/include/TTree.h:46: /Users/nibir/Physics/Software/root-6.24.04/ROOT_install/include/TBranch.h:101:7: warning: declaration shadows a variable in the global namespace [-Wshadow] kDoNotProcess = ::kDoNotProcess, // Active bit for branches ^ /Users/nibir/Physics/Software/root-6.24.04/ROOT_install/include/TBranch.h:56:13: note: previous declaration is here const Int_t kDoNotProcess = BIT(10); // Active bit for branches ^ /Users/nibir/Physics/Software/root-6.24.04/ROOT_install/include/TBranch.h:102:7: warning: declaration shadows a variable in the global namespace [-Wshadow] kIsClone = ::kIsClone, // to indicate a TBranchClones ^ /Users/nibir/Physics/Software/root-6.24.04/ROOT_install/include/TBranch.h:57:13: note: previous declaration is here const Int_t kIsClone = BIT(11); // to indicate a TBranchClones ^ /Users/nibir/Physics/Software/root-6.24.04/ROOT_install/include/TBranch.h:103:7: warning: declaration shadows a variable in the global namespace [-Wshadow] kBranchObject = ::kBranchObject, // branch is a TObject* ^ /Users/nibir/Physics/Software/root-6.24.04/ROOT_install/include/TBranch.h:58:13: note: previous declaration is here const Int_t kBranchObject = BIT(12); // branch is a TObject* ^ /Users/nibir/Physics/Software/root-6.24.04/ROOT_install/include/TBranch.h:104:7: warning: declaration shadows a variable in the global namespace [-Wshadow] kBranchAny = ::kBranchAny, // branch is an object* ^ /Users/nibir/Physics/Software/root-6.24.04/ROOT_install/include/TBranch.h:59:13: note: previous declaration is here const Int_t kBranchAny = BIT(17); // branch is an object* ^

Moreover while running a root macro I have to always quit root and and then again freshly run the macro to get the required output. Lets assume I have a macro “demo.C” and I run it using “root -l demo.C” if I try to again run it using .x demo.C I get the following message `010991 39

IncrementalExecutor::executeFunction: symbol ‘_ZNSt3__1L9use_facetINS_5ctypeIcEEEERKT_RKNS_6localeE’ unresolved while linking [cling interface function]!
You are probably missing the definition of std::__1::ctype const& std::__1::use_facet<std::__1::ctype >(std::__1::locale const&)
Maybe you need to load the corresponding shared library?
IncrementalExecutor::executeFunction: symbol ‘ZNSt3__1L9addressofIKcEEPT_RS2’ unresolved while linking [cling interface function]!
You are probably missing the definition of char const* std::__1::addressof(char const&)
Maybe you need to load the corresponding shared library?
IncrementalExecutor::executeFunction: symbol ‘_ZNSt3__18ios_base5widthEl’ unresolved while linking [cling interface function]!
You are probably missing the definition of std::__1::ios_base::width(long)
Maybe you need to load the corresponding shared library?
IncrementalExecutor::executeFunction: symbol ‘_ZNSt3__18ios_base8setstateEj’ unresolved while linking [cling interface function]!
You are probably missing the definition of std::__1::ios_base::setstate(unsigned int)
Maybe you need to load the corresponding shared library?
IncrementalExecutor::executeFunction: symbol ‘_ZNSt3__1L7forwardINS_18__default_init_tagEEEOT_RNS_16remove_referenceIS2_E4typeE’ unresolved while linking [cling interface function]!
You are probably missing the definition of std::__1::__default_init_tag&& std::__1::forwardstd::__1::__default_init_tag(std::__1::remove_referencestd::__1::__default_init_tag::type&)
Maybe you need to load the corresponding shared library?
IncrementalExecutor::executeFunction: symbol ‘_ZNKSt3__18ios_base5flagsEv’ unresolved while linking [cling interface function]!
You are probably missing the definition of std::__1::ios_base::flags() const
Maybe you need to load the corresponding shared library?
IncrementalExecutor::executeFunction: symbol ‘ZNSt3__1L12__to_addressIKcEEPT_S3’ unresolved while linking [cling interface function]!
You are probably missing the definition of char const* std::__1::__to_address(char const*)
Maybe you need to load the corresponding shared library?
IncrementalExecutor::executeFunction: symbol ‘ZL3powIdiENSt3__19_MetaBaseIXaasr3std13is_arithmeticIT_EE5valuesr3std13is_arithmeticIT0_EE5valueEE13_EnableIfImplINS0_9__promoteIS2_S3_vEEE4typeES2_S3’ unresolved while linking [cling interface function]!
You are probably missing the definition of std::__1::_MetaBase<(std::is_arithmetic::value) && (std::is_arithmetic::value)>::_EnableIfImpl<std::__1::__promote<double, int, void> >::type pow<double, int>(double, int)
Maybe you need to load the corresponding shared library?
IncrementalExecutor::executeFunction: symbol ‘_ZNKSt3__18ios_base5widthEv’ unresolved while linking [cling interface function]!
You are probably missing the definition of std::__1::ios_base::width() const
Maybe you need to load the corresponding shared library?`

It would be really helpful if anyone could provide me some feedbacks.

It looks to me you have a problem in your installed ROOT. Was the building from source fully successfull ?
I would try using one of the pre-compiled binaries and/or using the pre-released version 6.26. You can find pre-compiled binary, built every night in

Best regards

Hi Lorenzo,

The root compilation was successful, however several warnings were generated during the build.
Just mentioning I used cmake …/path_to_source to build root. Do you think the issue could be related to some dependency on root.

P.S "root " command works perfectly fine.


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